Checking In

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"Miss, can I ask how long your stay will be for?" The front desk concierge asked you as you handed over your reservation papers.

"Two nights." You answered tiredly  as two men strode over to the register next to you, their boots echoing on the tile floor. Glancing over, you couldn't help but do a double take. They were both tall, and well built. One had long, shaggy dark hair, while the other's was more spiked, a dark,dirty blonde that was almost brown in color. They were both dressed in jeans, and flannel shirts, but it was easy to see they were covering lean and strong bodies. You could feel your heart speeding up as the spiky haired one turned his gaze on you, giving you a cheeky smile, his green eyes vibrant as he took you in. 

Blushing, you turned back to the receptionist, taking your papers back, along with your key. "Miss Y/L/N, you are in room 218. Enjoy your stay." She said, and struggling with your  suitcases, you made your way to the elevator.

Waiting for it to open, you glanced back to see the two men finishing up their paperwork, throwing their bags over their shoulders. As the elevator started to wind it's way down to the bottom floor, you couldn't help but wonder who these men were. With a frown, you realized you would probably never know. You had never been the type of woman to go out of her way to attract a man. You were just too shy, too stuck inside your own shell to put yourself out there. And most men seemed to pass you by, always flirting with your friends instead. 

Heaving a sigh, you stepped into the elevator as soon as the door opened, pressing the number two but before the doors could close, a hand reached through the doors, pushing them back open. You could only watch as the two men from earlier pushed their way inside, crowding the spacious elevator with their size. "What number?" You asked them, surprised when your voice came out normal. These two men had your system reeling, and you had expected your voice to squeak. 

"Two." The man next to you said. He was the shorter of the two, the one that had you wiping drool from your mouth. He was even more handsome up close, his deep timbered voice matching his masculine looks.

"Already done." You replied, then you stood there awkwardly, not knowing what else to say. The taller man was busy typing away on his phone, his long, shaggy hair covering his face. This left you and the other man together to pass the short ride on the elevator. 

"The names Dean." He told you, sticking his hand out, and you took it, reveling in the warm and callused hand as his touch sent a shock of electricity coursing through your arm. "That's Sam, my brother." He explained, nodding his head towards the other man dressed in plaid as well. 

"MY name's Y/N." You answered, attempting to pull your hand from Dean. It wasn't as if you wanted to end the connection, but his touch was flustering you, bring a blush to your cheeks.

"So Y/N, what are you doing staying in a high class hotel like this all by yourself?" He asked you, his green eyes staring intently at you just as the elevator dinged.

"I needed some me time." You explained simply, pulling your suitcase behind you. Dean walked behind you, leaving his brother Sam to bring up the rear. 

"Tell me about it. I would love to have some time, all to myself. But my job never really gives me that opportunity." He answered, shrugging to his brother just as you came to your door.

"This is me." You answered, stopping in front of a dark, wooden door, the number 218 shining brightly in brass.

"Hey Dean, you passed our room." Sam yelled, and you turned to see him standing in front of the door next to yours.

"Looks like we're neighbors. Listen, I saw a bar down below. Maybe we could get a drink together later." He asked you, walking backwards as he gave you a huge smile.

"Not tonight. I'm beat." You answered, hating that your answered turned his smile into a frown. "But, could we do it tomorrow?"

His smile returned, as he ran into his brother, and you couldn't contain your chuckle. "Tomorrow sounds great. Say 5?"

Opening your door, you nodded and waved, before shutting the door. Dropping your suitcase, you pressed your back against the door, sighing as you couldn't believe your luck. Here you were, the girl who had never had a regular boyfriend, and the first man you met asked you on a date. Not only that, but he was extremely handsome, and seemed genuine. 

Taking the time to take in your room, you couldn't believe how amazing this place was. Your Mom had told you to take some time for yourself, and she had booked you this amazing place. Your bed was huge, an antique masterpiece of wood that had many intricate designs carved throughout the towering posts. You could imagine this bed residing in a castle in England, or one of those huge Mansions that graced Boston back in the 1800s. The night stand was made out of the same rich, deep wood, with a Tiffany lamp lit on top. There was an armoire across from the bed, and when you opened it up, a TV was on top, with drawers down below to place your belongings. A door to the right of your bed opened up to revel a decadent bathroom, with a bath tub big enough for at least two people comfortably. Instantly, your mind switched to the sight of Dean's green eyes, and his long strong body, and you blushed at the thought. 

Taking your mind off of the green eyed man haunting your thoughts, you started unpacking your belongings, throwing your pajama's onto the bed. You decided a warm, relaxing bath was the perfect way to start your trip.

Turning the bath on, you spotted the complimentary bubble baths on the side. In your life you had never taken the chance to take a bubble bath, and you figured now was a good time to start. Dumping the entire small bottle into the steaming water, you breathed in the scent of lavender, before stripping out of your clothes, tossing them off to the side. Stepping into the almost too hot water, you groaned as it started soothing your muscles that you didn't even know were sore. Leaning back, you closed your eyes, letting the water lull you into a sense of peace. 

Your mind wandered back to the reason you were here in the first place. You had been living a great life. Your apartment was perfect, you had amazing friends, and you were slowly rising the ranks of a prestigious publishing company. However, that all came to a halt when your would be boss decided to try to coerce you, offering to trade a higher position for a few unsavory favors. You had complained, but no one had believed you, and you had ended up quitting your job.

Now here you were, relaxing away in a nice hotel, a very handsome guy in the room next to you, and no idea what your next move would be. But for now, at least, it felt nice to be able to relax, and not think about your next move.

Opening your eyes, you shivered as cold air hit your damp hair. Wondering if somehow the air conditioner had been turned on, you sunk deeper into the warm water, trying to get away from the now frigid air. It was then the two sconce lights high up on the wall started flickering. Shaking it off as tricks of an old hotel, you closed your eyes. But it was the high pitched screaming, right next to your ear that you had you shooting out of the tub, water pooling at your feet as you hastily wrapped a towel around you, looking for who had made that god awful sound. 

You looked left, and then right, but the room was empty. Shaking in fear, and cold, you jumped a mile high when there was a knock at your door. You didn't think twice, you opened the  door, and when you saw Dean standing there, you jumped into his arms, needing someone to comfort, and protect you.

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