Unlikely Help

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You watched as Andrew reached out, his very real looking hand moving towards you, and you could do nothing but wait for the impact. For him to wrap his lifeless fingers around your heart, squeezing until it gave out on you.

You could vaguely hear the pounding of Dean's hands against your door, but you couldn't call out to him, to tell him that in this short amount of time you had fallen for him. You wished you had had the chance to make things right with him, to let him know that you understood where he was coming from. You wished that you had more time to spend with him, that you weren't taken away so early in your relationship.

"I'm sorry my dear." Andrew said, before wrapping his fingers around your neck, squeezing tight, but not tight enough to take your breath completely away. "But I think we are going to have to do things a little differently today."

You could feel yourself being moved, pushed backwards forcefully by the hand wrapped around your neck. Struggling not to fall, you tried to wrap your hands around his arms, to give yourself some sort of stability. Instead of connecting with solid muscle, your hands slipped through, throwing you off enough that you started falling backwards to the floor. But before you could fall too far, his grip tightened, holding you up tightly, your feet no longer touching the floor.

He turned you, so he was now standing between you and the door, a wicked glint in his eyes. With a flick of his other hand, you heard the click of the lock of the door, and within seconds Dean was stumbling into the room.

"What the...?" Dean stuttered, trying to catch himself before he fell onto the floor. "Y/N?" He said just as the door slammed shut behind him.

"She's a little preoccupied." Andrew said, squeezing your neck tighter, causing you to let out a choked moan.

It was then Dean noticed what was going on in the room. His stance turned from confused to that of a hunter instantly, every sense going on high alert. "Y/N! Let her go damn it!" Dean yelled, stepping forward, but freezing when Andrew lifted you higher in the air.

"Oh, I don't think so." Andrew announced. "I've decided I want to make this a little more interesting."

You thought you heard Dean mutter something about Sammy, but you weren't sure. You were too busy concentrating on the hand wrapped around your neck, and the black dots that were currently clouding your vision.

"Dean." You choked out, your voice hoarse.

"Don't worry Y/N, we will get you out of this." Dean promised you, but you could feel yourself slowly growing limp in Andrew's hold.

"Damn it, you're killing her!" Dean yelled, wanting to move forward, but not wanting to take the chance that Andrew would kill you right then and there.

You felt the hold on you lessen, just enough that you could struggle to get a breath or two in. "That's not my purpose. At least not yet. I want her to suffer first." He said, dropping you into the chair. Taking in big, gasping breaths, you tried to move out of the chair, but it was as if invisible rope was wrapped completely around you. You couldn't move, not even your hands. You could only watch as Andrew turned his attention to Dean, who had nothing to defend himself with.

"I know your brother is down there, trying to find my cigarette case. I know if he finds it I'm done for. And truthfully, I don't mind. But I need to do this one more thing before I'm gone. It's not enough that she's going to die. She needs to suffer too."

"Why? She hasn't done anything to you. Just let her go." Dean pleaded, and you fought against your bindings. You knew what Andrew meant, and you couldn't let that happen. You just wished that Sam would hurry up, and burn the damn case before anything happened to his brother.

"Because I can. Because I never got the girl I wanted. Well, the girl didn't matter, but the money did." He smarted off.

"Then why are you going after all these girls?" Dean asked, trying to buy time.

"Because nobody should have their happy endings." He said. "I didn't get what I wanted most, and because of it I ended my life. They should pay" Raising his arm up, he slammed Dean against the wall. With a flick of his finger, a long gash appeared on Dean's cheek, and you cried out in frustration.

"No, please don't do this! Just kill me instead. Leave him alone!" You pleaded, tears pouring down your face as cut after cut appeared on Dean's skin. Dean stared at you, never giving Andrew the satisfaction of crying out.

With Andrew's concentration on Dean, you could move your fingers, and you fought hard against the rest of your bindings, needing to get to Andrew and stop him before he killed Dean.

"See? Isn't this worse than just dying?" Andrew asked, taking his attention off of Dean for a moment, turning to smile at you. Even though Dean was hurting, and bleeding profusely from multiple wounds, he shoved himself off of the wall, rushing Andrew. Andrew gave him a glance, before flicking his hand and Dean went crashing into the wall, falling down to the ground, unconscious. You gasped as you saw a thin line of blood trickle down his forehead.

"Please." You sobbed, tilting your head, tears falling freely down your face.

"I think that's enough." He said, moving towards you once again. "I think it's time for you to die. That way we can both be set free, together. I can sense it. The other one is close to burning my case." He said, before you felt the tight vice like grip on your heart once again.

You saw Dean struggle to get to his feet, and even though you were shaking with the pain shooting through your body, you felt a little bit of relief that Dean was still alive.

He rolled his head to the side, his pain filled eyes gazing upon the scene in front of him. You could see him open his mouth, ready to yell at Andrew, but you used up what precious little energy you had left to shake your head. You didn't want Andrew knowing that Dean was up and fighting again. You knew if he saw him, that he would kill him this time.

Instead you gave him a sad smile, just as the grip tightened on your heart. "Almost there." Andrew said, almost lovingly.

"Leave her alone!" A familiar voice shouted from behind him, and in your pain induced haze you saw Anna standing behind him, her white gown and long dark hair flowing behind her. Her face was full of hate and anger, and she once again yelled at him. "Stop it!"

The pain diminished, just a tiny little bit, as his attention turned from you to her. "Anna?" He whispered, as if he couldn't believe she was truly there.

"You need to stop hurting people." She told him.

"I can't." He answered, and once again his grip on your heart tightened, and you felt yourself fading away. As the pain became too much to bear, you saw Anna rush forward, screaming an inhuman scream before she collided with Andrew. The room erupted in a flash of bright light, so bright you closed your eyes for a moment.

When you opened them, Anna and Andrew were no where to be seen, and Dean was struggling to come towards you. Free from the bindings, you tried to stand, to go to Dean, but your legs collapsed underneath you, and you fell to the ground, your vision going black as you passed out from pain that was still radiating through your body.

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