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Maybe it was the pounding headache, or the touch of someone's hand, but something made you wake up quickly, much too quickly for your liking.  Sitting straight up in your bed, your sheets tangled around you, you caught both yourself and Dean off guard. Your already sore head connected with Dean's, causing you both to lean back and groan. 

Each of you rubbed your heads, both sore from the contact. You leaned back against your headboard, while Dean sat back in a chair that hadn't been by your bed earlier. As you rubbed away the pain, you closed your eyes, trying to remember why Dean would even be here, in your room, and back in your life.

You remembered your boss coming over, trying to force himself on you. It had been one of the scariest experiences in your life, even more so than when you had faced the ghost. You remembered fighting him off, getting hurt in the process and calling Dean. You weren't sure what you had said over the line, but it must have been enough to bring Dean running. But you didn't remember hanging the phone up, or waiting for him to arrive. You must have passed out from the pain and the exhaustion.

A pair of green eyes came into your line of sight, full of worry and concern. A pair of eyes so green it hurt, eyes that you never thought you would have seen again. "Y/N?" He said your name softly, reaching up to touch your cheek, but memories of his hurtful words swam into your head, and you leaned back away from his touch. You didn't miss the hurt look in his face, but after what he did to you, you didn't care.

You took a moment to look around, seeing that you were in your bedroom, the sunlight shining through partially closed blinds. Your room always comforted you, it was your favorite place to rest and relax. The walls were painted (favorite color), and the carpet on the floor was a light gray that was full and soft. You had a huge bookcase taking up one side of the room, with an armchair placed next to it. It was small, and cozy, even more so with Dean's large frame taking up a lot of room.

"Where's Sam?" You asked Dean when you didn't notice him in the room. Dean had pulled one of your dining room chairs into the room, and was currently leaning back against it. He looked a little worse for wear, his clothes wrinkled, with a little bit of blood on his gray and green flannel. His hair was standing on end, and his five o'clock shadow was turning into a full beard.

"He made me stay here. He went after the guy." Dean muttered, looking extremely frustrated and annoyed. It hurt your already shattered heart that Dean couldn't even stand to stay with you, to make sure you were okay after you were attacked. It made you wonder why he even came to your rescue in the first place.

"Well, I'm awake now so you can go join him." You told him, laying back down and turning on your side so he couldn't see the tears threatening to fall. You waited for him to leave, like you figured he would. Then you would let the tears fall, tears that you had thought wouldn't fall again. 

"Wait, Y/N, that isn't what I meant." He started, his voice full of frustration. "I wanted to be the one to strangle the son of a bitch."

"Nothings stopping you now. You can go join your brother, I'll be fine." You told him. "But you might not want to kill the bastard, he's human and you might have trouble getting away with that one."

"But we have ways." Dean said softly as he stood up. "If you say you're okay, then I am going to go help Sam."

"I'm fine." You told him, but it wasn't the truth. Your heart was hurting all over again, and you needed him to go so you could hurt in peace. You heard his feet shuffling, before you felt his hand lay heavy on your shoulder. You wanted to turn, to lean into the touch that you had come to love in such a short amount of time. But you didn't want him to see how much he still meant to you, to let him see exactly how bad he had hurt you.

"Y/N, as soon as we teach that bastard a lesson, I will be back. I think there are some things we need to talk about." He promised, but you stayed silent, your back still turned to him as you kept your eyes shut. You heard him sigh, rubbing your arm softly before stepping back and out of the room.

You heard him move about your living room, his voice soft and quiet. When you didn't hear your front door open, you became curious. Your heart break and sore body forgotten, you slipped out of bed, interested to hear what Dean was saying.

"Have you found the son of a bitch yet?" You heard Dean say, and you knew he was probably talking to Sam on the phone. You waited, your heart in your throat to hear Sam's answer. You didn't want to wish harm on anyone,  but your old boss deserved to be brought down a peg or two.

"Damn it, we need to find him." Dean said as you heard other sounds coming from your small living room. Your heart plummeted when you heard the news that Bill hadn't been found. It made you nervous, and scared, to know that he was still running around, and that he could make his way back here at any moment.

"Yeah I know we decided it was best not to leave her alone. But it doesn't feel right, staying behind, letting you go after the bastard. Especially now that you couldn't find him." He paused, and you almost pushed open the door you were listening so hard. "Yeah, she's awake. But she doesn't want anything to do with me. And I don't blame her. I was a complete dick. Maybe you should get back here, and we can get out of her life. I'm not sure he will come after her again."

You couldn't see Dean's face, but his voice seemed to portray hurt and sadness which confused you. What would he have to be confused about? He was the one who tossed you away like you didn't mean anything to him.

You were so lost in your own thoughts that you hadn't heard Dean get off of the phone with Sam. But you did hear his footsteps as he came striding over to your door. You quietly rushed to your bed, climbing back into it, turning onto your side, pretending to have fallen back asleep.

But the footsteps stopped at your door, and your door didn't open. You waited for Dean to do something, to say something, but he stayed quiet. You were torn in two. You wanted to go out and talk to him, to try to make some sense of your conversation at the hotel. But your heart was still hurting, and you didn't want to open it up any farther.

"Y/N, I'm so sorry." You thought you heard him say through the door but you weren't sure. "I wish I could take all those words back. But I know I'm past the point of forgiveness."

You definitely heard the last, and without thinking, you stood up, out of bed, your pounding head forgotten as you threw the door open, surprising Dean. But before you could say anything, you looked past Dean's startled face, to the site of a bloody, very angry, Bill shoving your battered front door open.

Catching sight of your pale, terrified face, Dean's body tensed, going into hunters mode. "What is it?" He asked quietly.

"He's back." You said, just as Bill charged through the room, straight at Dean.

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