Conference Time

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After Sam had come back into the room, you separated yourself from Dean. Not because you wanted to, but because you knew you wouldn't be able to control yourself around him. All you wanted to do right now was run your hand up and down his arm, or reach over and grab his hand. But you held it in, listening to the brother's conversation instead.

"Sam, I'm not sure I like using her as bait." Dean argued.

"It's not like we're doing it on purpose. We are pretty sure he's going to go after her anyways. We just need to be ready for it!" Sam replied back, while you sat there, glancing back and forth between the brothers, wondering if they would ever let you in on the conversation. Because it was mainly about you, and you figured you should at least have a say in the final outcome.

"True, but I still don't have to like it!" Dean said, just as you cleared your throat. Both men looked your way, seeming to have forgotten that you were still in the room with them.

"Guys, I know you're the experience hunters here, but it is my life on the line right now. And I would like to have some sort of say in what happens. And I want to be the bait. I know that he will probably come for me, and I want to help stop him so he can't hurt anyone else."

Sam gave Dean a pointed look, before turning back to you. "Thank you. I want you to know we will do everything we can to keep you safe."

Seeming jealous of his brother, Dean grabbed your hands, forcing your attention away from Sam, turning it on him. His voice was a hushed whisper when he spoke, and you wondered if he didn't want his brother to hear what he was saying. "Listen, I know we haven't known each other very long. And that we are moving kind of fast. But I can't imagine anything happening to you, and I will do everything in my power to keep you safe."

You blushed under his intense gaze. "Thank you Dean, that means a lot. But now, what do I need to do? And how long do you think before he comes after me?"

Sam shrugged his shoulders. "I'm really not sure. This vengeful spirit hasn't really had any sort of schedule, so it could be anytime. We need to be prepared."

Dean was running his hand along his mouth as he thought. "Most couples were freshly in love, right?" He asked, and Sam confirmed it with a nod. "But then, they got into a little spat, and the guy left, leaving the woman alone in their room?"

"That's what each eye witness had said." Sam agreed.

Dean turned to look at you, a curious expression on his face. "So, what I'm thinking is we need Sam to leave, try to find what he's still attached to here. You and I will set up an argument, then I will leave, going into your room. When he arrives, you will knock on the wall, and I will come over, and hopefully we can trap him until Sam can salt and burn the item."

"But we don't even know what the item is?" You replied, a little frustrated.

Sam had a huge smile on his face, like he was the cat that caught the bird. "But while you guys were doing whatever it was, and please don't tell me, while I was gone. I found out something very important."

"And?" Both you and Dean said at the same time.

"And, he has his own person cigarette case that is part of the mini museum here." Sam answered, all smug with his new found knowledge.

"What the hell?" Dean yelled. "Why didn't you tell us that earlier?"

Sam just shrugged. "So, we have our plan. Now when should we act on it?"

You just listened in, knowing they had much experience with this. Instead, you stared Dean's way, enjoying the way his muscle in his jaw clenched as he argued with his brother, or the way he licked his plump bottom lip before he spoke.

"Y/N? Are you listening to anything we are saying?" Dean asked, catching you staring his way.

Blushing hard, you ducked your head, letting your hair cover your flaming face. "Sorry, I wasn't."

You could hear the throaty chuckle of Dean, before he leaned forward, and tucked your hair behind your ear. "We were just saying we were going to get some dinner, hang out here for a couple of hours before we start with our plan."

"Oh, okay." You answered, your blush finally going away.

Sam stood up, and Dean followed suit. "What would you like?" Dean asked you, and you stared at them in confusion.

"I'm staying here?" You asked them, and they both nodded.

Dean was the one who explained to you. "We wanted you to have a chance to relax. We won't be gone very, and he won't attack you yet. But you have your knife and your salt to keep you safe."

You nodded, not sure you were happy with being left behind. But Dean gave you a confident wink before leaving the room, and you could only watch as they left the room. Grabbing the salt, you sat on the bed, waiting for the signs that a ghost might come. You knew you were being paranoid, but you couldn't help yourself. You hated being this nervous, but finding out you were the next victim had kind of freaked you out.

Minutes passed, and nothing happened. Calming down a little, you turned the TV on, settling on some sort of comedy. The sound lulling you, you closed your eyes, leaning against the headboard. With everything that had happened recently, you hadn't had the greatest night's sleep, and you were more than exhausted.

As you drifted to sleep, you felt the room slowly grow colder, and soon you were shivering, reaching for the blanket. It was then you came to with a start, knowing you were no longer alone.

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