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Somehow, during the short amount of time that you had been asleep, the room had dropped at least ten degrees, and all the lights were off, including the TV you knew had been running. Shivering in your light shirt, you opened your eyes,  screeching when a pair of haunting blue eyes stared straight down at you. They were full of remorse and pain, and you felt trapped in them for a moment before your fear finally broke through. 

Scooting back in bed, your heart pounding so fast you thought it might explode from your chest, you glanced around the room, looking for your knife, or your container of salt. Both were across from you, laying on the edge of Sam's bed, where you had left them in a brave moment. One you now considered extremely stupid. 

"What do you want?" You stuttered, your nerves getting the better of you. You were surprised to see her again. You tried edging your way towards the side of the bed, but she floated closer to you, her ethereal hand reaching out to you. Still garbed in the white nightgown, it billowed around her as she floated at least an inch off the ground. Her hair was long and undone down her back. 

"He's coming for you. I warned you but you didn't listen." She murmured sadly as you felt the cold touch of her hand on your shoulder. It felt colder than an ice pack, no doubt closer to what frostbite would feel. 

"But how? All you said was he wouldn't love me. How is that warning me?" You asked her, shivering from her touch. 

She shimmered in and out of view, her hand finally moving from your shoulder, and you were relieved. Reaching up to touch the frozen spot, you glanced back up at her.  "He will never love you. He never loved me. He just wants what everyone else has." She whispered, a tear falling down her cheek.

"Can't you stop him?" You pleaded with her. "He's hurting innocent people. Please."

She fluttered again, like a candle in the wind, before she disappeared, her words floating in the air. "He never loved me."

You wondered what the purpose of her visit was that time. She had said the same things over, but this time she seemed more sad, more reserved to her fate. She had at least warned you, but you hadn't needed that. You had already known you would be next, you just knew it was a matter of when, not if.

Still feeling a little unsettled from your ordeal with Anna, you climbed off of the bed, stumbling into the bathroom. Turning the faucet on, you ran some cold water over your face, letting the water soothe and relax you. Grabbing a towel, you started to pat your face dry when you felt the room grow cold. "Not again." You muttered, wishing she could just leave you alone for at least five minutes. "Please, can't you leave me alone. For a little bit at least?" You begged, removing the towel to glare at her. Through the flickering lights, you could just make out a shape, but it wasn't the one you had been used to seeing.

This shape was tall, taller than you. Squinting your eyes, you could make out the dark hair that was in a fancy pompadour style. He had a dark beard, and was wearing a fancy, black tux. "Andrew." You whispered, the realization of who it was enough to have you scrambling backwards, trying to get away from him. He was standing at the far side of the bathroom, near the bathtub, and you moved as fast as you could the other way, looking for anything that could be used as a weapon. Of course there wasn't any iron in the bathroom, but you could just see the container of bath salts behind him on the ledge of the bathtub. Maybe, if you couldn't get out of the room you could get to them instead, they could work as well as regular salt. 

He took a step towards you, his form materializing more, and you could see why he had been so sought after during his time. He was very handsome, and held himself with a self assured air. "What do you want with me?" You asked him, as you tried to distract him. You were so terrified your hands were shaking, but you didn't want him to notice that. You wanted him to think that you were a brave woman, unafraid of a ghost.

"I picked you." He replied, his voice smooth and mellow. 

"For what? Cause I already have a man I'm interested in." You smarted off, reaching behind you to grab the handle of the door. Trying to turn it,you were ready to run, but your heart froze when you found it locked. "No." You whispered, your bravado dropping when your realized you were locked into the small room with a murderous ghost. A ghost who had supposedly picked you to be it's next victim.

"That's why. If you won't chose me, then you must die." He threatened, stepping closer just as you heard voices on the other side of the door.

"Y/N, are you in there? We're back with dinner." Dean's voice sounded from right next to the door.

"Help!" You screamed. "He's in here with me!"

Dean's voice must have prompted Andrew into action because he moved forward so fast that he was standing in front of you before you could blink. Ducking below him, you raced to the other side of the small bathroom, but his hand grasped your shoulder, stopping you from going anywhere. Screaming, you tried to reach the bath salt, the pounding on the door just barely reaching your ears. Andrew was surprisingly strong for a ghost, and he forced you to turn to face him. "Why? Why won't anyone choose me?" He asked, his hand lowering from your shoulder, moving down to where your heart lay beating furiously. 

"Please. You don't have to do this." You pleaded, as you heard Dean yelling from the other side of the door. Blindly reaching behind you, you gasped in pain as you felt a cold presence wrap itself around your heart, squeezing tight.

"I have no choice." He answered, his gaze on yours as you screamed out in pain. Grasping onto the bottle of bath salt, you popped the top, pouring it over him just as black spots filled your vision. You heard his ghoulish scream as the salt hit him in the face. "This isn't over!" He screamed before vanishing. The pain in your chest eased up slightly, but you didn't have the strength to hold yourself up. As you felt yourself falling to the ground, the door crashed open and Dean came rushing in. His face went pale as he saw you wavering. The last thing you remembered was feeling his arms wrap around you before you knew no more.

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