First Fight

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Annoyed with the constant tapping on your cheek, you tried turning your head away from the annoyance. "Come on sweetheart. Wake up, please." You heard Dean's voice say from right next to your ear, his voice full of concern and worry.

"Leave me alone." You muttered, still tired and sore and wanting nothing more than to drift back to sleep. 

"I can't do that." Dean insisted, but still, he stopped tapping your cheek. Instead you could feel his rough, callused hand gentle cupping it, and you turned into the touch, slightly opening your eyes to stare up into his emerald green ones. 

"There you are. You had us worried." He spoke quietly, his voice much softer and gentler than you had ever heard. His green eyes were close to yours, full of concern for your well being.

Groaning, you placed your hands on the bed, trying to push yourself into a sitting position. Moving his hand, he helped you up, before handing you a  glass of water. Giving yourself a minute to get used to being upright, you looked around, noticing that Sam was sitting on the edge of the other bed. He had his elbows on his knees, his gaze on you.

"Can you tell us what happened?" Sam asked you.

It took a minute to wrack your head, a head that was still pounding. "It's still all kind of fuzzy." You started, and Dean placed a hand on your shoulder, comforting you.

"It's alright. You don't have to tell us yet." Dean assured you, before glaring at Sam.

"No, it's all right." You answered,  but you were grateful for the warmth of his hand on your shoulder, and you unconsciously leaned towards his touch. He noticed, sliding onto the bed beside you, pulling you to him, letting you rest against his chest. "Anna came and visited me first. Said the same thing once again, that he will never love me. She said it was too late. I tried to get her help, but she wouldn't say anything else."

"Then what?" Sam asked you, ignoring his brother's pointed look.

"Then, I decided to go into the bathroom, and while I was in there, he came." You explained, feeling Dean's arm tighten around you.

"Him? You mean Andrew?" He confirmed, and you nodded, leaning closer to his touch.

"Yeah, he was just standing there at first. He was handsome, but there was an evilness to his eyes. He told me he picked me." You said, shivering as you remembered the dead glint in his eyes.

"He picked you? What does that mean?" Sam asked as he stood up, pacing the room. Dean stayed next to you, his grip tightening on you once again, and you looked up to see his green eyes clouded with anger.

"He never explained. But when I said no, he said I had to die. He had a grip on my heart when you guys showed back up." You explained.

"What stopped him?" Dean asked, rubbing his hand up and down your arm.

"Bath salts." You answered, watching as they both stared incredulously.

You could feel Dean's chuckle before you heard it. It shook his entire body, and soon his head was thrown back as he laughed hard. "Bath salts? I never would have imagined it."

"Well they worked." You assured him, sticking up for yourself, feeling a little foolish.

"I never would have thought to use them. Guess we have a chance to make a hunter out of you yet." Dean exclaimed, patting you on the shoulder.

"So now what? He came, before we were ready. We need to have him occupied so one of us can go down there and salt and burn his cigarette case. Now we need to come up with a different plan." Sam muttered as he paced the small room.

"Sam." You started, but he kept talking over you, arguing with his brother about what they were going to do next. "Guys!" You yelled, and they both stopped to look at you.

"I think our plan will still work." You said, as they both stared at you. "He said he wasn't finished. I think he will be back for me."

Dean glanced down at you, and he was so close you could notice the slight eye crinkles he had, and they made him even more handsome. "Why didn't you say so."

"That's perfect! We go on with our plan, and this should all be over with tonight!" Sam said, clapping his hands together.

You and Sam were too busy celebrating the fact that your plan was back on that you hadn't noticed how quiet Dean had gotten. "No." He said, and you had to look up at him, not sure you heard him correctly.

"What?" You asked, a little uneasy when he removed his arm from your shoulder and slid off of the bed. He went and stood next to his brother, his arms crossed.

"I said no. We aren't going through with the plan. We will figure something else out." He said, his tone saying that he wasn't going to argue about it. But you had other plans.

"Why? This is the best plan we have. We know he's going to come after me, it's perfect!" You argued, seeing Sam staring at his brother with a confused look on his face.

"I don't care. I don't want you in harms way. He almost got you once, and I don't want it to happen again!" He insisted, and if you weren't so annoyed you would have laughed at how childlike his anger was.

"But Dean..." You started, but he cut you off.

"We will leave. Now. Get you into another motel a long way from here. Sam and I will come back, burn the cigarette case, then come back and get you." He said, turning towards the door, no doubt making his way to your room to pack for you.

It was your turn this time. "No." You answered him, crossing your arms.

"What?" He asked, turning around, and you took a step back, a little afraid of the serious expression on his face.

"I'm not going to run. This is the most I've ever felt alive, and I want to help." You argued.

"I can't see you getting hurt." He said, his expression turning soft as he took a step towards you. "I'm sorry, but this isn't a discussion. The decision has been made." 

You took a couple of steps closer, acting as if you were starting to agree with him. Placing your hand on his cheek, you smiled up at him. "I know you're just trying to keep me safe. But I don't want you to keep me safe. I want you to let me help. And if you won't, then I will do this on my own. Or with help from Sam." You said, and took a step past him. "Sam, I will be in my room. Let's stick as close to the plan as possible." You said, grabbing your container of salt and your knife, leaving the room and heading towards yours.

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