Wing-Suit Flyer

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Author's Note:

Wing-suit flying is flying/gliding in mid-air using a wing-suit which increases the lift rather than normal sky-diving. 

*Ella Montgomery's P.O.V.*

I'm Ella. Ella Montgomery. I was a sophomore in Layton High, in Layton, Utah. I loved wing-suit flying. I've been called 'risk taker' all my life. Not anymore though. Wing-suit flying was my preferred sport. Well, I used to sky-dive, scuba-dive, white water raft, and parasail. But, wing-suit flying was better. I've been called a tom-boy, I guess it's my disposition and temperament. 

My life was fantastic. It was filled with happiness and sadness as well. 

My parents called me Geraldine Montgomery. Geraldine's my grandmother. She was just like me: risk-taker, crazy, and someone who couldn't live without pain. I think in order for someone's life to be breathtaking, you have to be ready for pain, not necessarily physical pain. Sometimes, in order to get stronger and sometimes even more rapturous, you need to overcome harassment, agony, and torment; which described my attitude.

My quote of life was simple. Live as if you're going to die tomorrow. I was a carefree person. I didn't think before doing anything I wished to do, because I thought that eventually we are all going to die, and I'd rather die knowing I've fulfilled my heart's desire. 

Although, life has changed in the past 22 years. As a mother at the age of 38, I am thankful to know my childhood best friend is my life-partner. But, I have many regrets in life, and if I were to change anything, it would simply be not to love Aiden Joseph; which I did at the wrong moment in life. 

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