Chapter 15 Someone Is Watching Me

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Sooyoung POV

It was morning and Taeyeon still didn't wake up. I was really worried about her that I was really sad when I went to her room. I was going to the basement quietly since they were all sleeping but then I felt someone watching me so I turned around but to find nothing. I took out me headphones then I see a shadow right by the basement door going upstairs. I just thought Chen was trolling so I just listened to music to clear my mind.

>>Fast Forward 6 Hours Later>>

I found a random book on my bed so I decide to read it.

Sooyoung the angel of Invisibility:
  Your friend Taeyeon is in the point where her angel powers are getting stonger so don't worry bout her.                      She will wake up in 1-3 hours to be exact. Do not tell any of your angel friend for her sake. If anybody finds out, she will be cursed with bad angel powers. Also you and your friends will be given a necklace that symbols your
power and makes your fighting skills almost impossible to beat. Wear your necklace everday because there are
those bad guys EXO had to deal with that are after you because you guys hold the ultimate power of the 12 (exos powers or tree of life) you can use the power anytime but you will have to control it. Only tell your angel friends  about  the necklaces and the 12 powers and nothing else. If you get this tatoo it means your getting stronger than
you ever were before. Remember about the necklaces and the 12 powers.

                                                                                                                                                   ~Head Angel

   After I read that long note in the book the necklaces appear out of nowhere. I hid the book and called an argent meeting with the girls.

   "Why did you call a meeting! I was getting my beauty sleep!?!" Sica says yells coldly while yawning.

   "Yah why did you because I was ordering the pink vase that the boys broke.?." Says Fany on her phone looking at the vase.

  "Okay so I got a telepathical message from the head angel and she said we have 12 other powers and she gave us necklaces to make us stronger to fight off the bad guys." I say lying about the Telepathical message so they don't ask for a letter about it if I said letter.

  "Okay so should we train somewhere or train when the boys are gone or sleeping?" Yoona asked pointing her in two directions like a this-and-that finger move.

  "Probably when they are gone or asleep so they don't find out about us." I say then we end our meeting.

After the metting I went downstairs into the basement I felt some one still watching me so I walked around then went back to my spot to go on my laptop. I heared noises coming from the game room so I decided to go there to find the voices but I saw no one in the around me. I started getting scared so I went upstairs in my room then put on my necklace and went downstairs to fight who's watching me but then I found a note.

           I know your not human

                               ~mystery person

I took my things and the note upstairs then I went to my room to think who is the one trying to play all these tricks on me. I heard a knock and it was Taeyeon with a I'm tired look on her face that made me chuckle a bit.

   "Do you know whats this letter for because it tells me about what happen and it told me to go to you for a straight forward answer for all of this." She says handing me a letter. I began explaining what happened, about the necklaces and the 12 powers.

Hey guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is the longest chapter I probably wrote in this book. Have you guys seen Seventeens Pretty U, Cheer up by Twice and Destiny by Lovelyz? If you didn't you should go watch them so byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Cheer up Twice

Destiny Lovelyz

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