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Boo Seungkwan first met Lee Heran in second grade. She had moved from Seoul to Jeju, due to her father's job. The teacher introduced her and everyone treated her as if she was already one of them.

That's not where the two officially met though. Although they were in the same class, the two never had the chance to talk to each other. It was later that day when Heran went to the library at the end of the day, waiting for her parents to pick her up.

There were a couple of other students and teachers here and there, but she wished she had the library to herself. She roamed through the aisles and scanned the books. Heran loves libraries, but she's not a big reader so it was hard for her to pick out a book.

"You should read this book. I enjoyed it a lot."

Heran looked to her side and saw a boy holding out a book to her. She was quite shocked that he talked to her but smiled and took the book.

"Thank you. I was having some trouble here."

"No problem! I'm Seungkwan, Boo Seungkwan. Are you new here? I've never seen you before."

"Yeah, I moved here a couple weeks ago and today is my first day. I'm Lee Heran."

"Heran? Ah, I think you're in my class. I heard the teacher say something about a new kid but I was drawing on my paper. Well, it's nice to meet you, and I hope you enjoy the book."

"I will. I see on the check out card you just finished reading it?"

"Yeah. I've read many of the books here. You open any book and read the card, my name is on there. If you ever need some book help, I'm always here."

"Thank you again. Sorry to leave so suddenly but my parents are here to pick me up now, I can see our car. I'll see you tomorrow Seungkwan!"

The two waved bye to each other. Gradually, they did start talking to one another during class and formed a strong friendship.

From elementary school to now, high school, the two have always talked to each other. As they got older, they were able to walk home themselves now and that's been going on since the beginning of high school.

It was convenient. The day they first met and when Heran left first, she was playing outside of her house when Seungkwan arrived at his house, three houses down from hers. Every morning and every afternoon, the two walked together and they never got bored in each other's presence.

After that day in the library, Seungkwan always gave Heran books to read and as much as she didn't really want to, Heran always read them. That's one of the many topics they talk about, books. Now, if you visit the library and check the card, you'll see Lee Heran printed right under his name. No one never really suspected that they were a 'thing' but everyone knew they were close.

The two were close friends and you would think that nothing could ever separate them. But there is always a way to separate people. Seungkwan and Heran just didn't know what it would be.

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