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Boo Seungkwan was preparing his bag for practice the following day. It turns out that two weeks of no training can really fly by.

He muttered words to himself here and there,

"Should've enjoyed summers with her more."

Sighing, he laid down on his bed. Looking up at the ceiling, he recalled what happened a couple weeks earlier, on the last day of school.

The male was walking down the school steps for the last time that school year when someone called out to him.

"Oh hey Aeyong."

"Hi Seungkwan. I just wanted to tell you to have a good summer before you left. Make sure you do something fun!"

"Thanks, same to you too."

"There's actually one more thing. I know that it's nearly impossible to even think of this but Seungkwan, I like you.

I've liked you since we met in elementary school but I guess it's not the same for you. You've always had Heran and I know you still do, I just wanted you to know rather than never."

It took them both by surprise. Aeyong, head down, felt her cheeks burning as she realized that she had just confessed to her crush. Seungkwan, mouth left slightly open, had trouble processing what had just been said.

"Aeyong, I'm sorry. I-"

"No Seungkwan, it's okay, really. I feel better now that I've told you, so again, have a great summer, okay?"

With that, Aeyong walked away from him as a sad smile laid on her lips.

'It's better than never, better than never.'

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