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Boo Seungkwan knew that becoming an idol would cut his friendship with Heran. He didn't want that, but he didn't want to tell her that. It wasn't like he wanted that to happen but with his training and her studying, there was no time for each other.

As Seungkwan said, the letters have been coming to a halt and so have the text messages. When Heran left for Seoul, they only really messaged each other a lot for a couple of days until it started to die down.

"Alright class, I want you to welcome our new student, Moon Aeyong. Starting today she will be a part of our class so please, welcome her."

Seungkwan looked up from his paper as the teacher spoke.

Aeyong, she used to be in the same class as him and Heran in the younger years until she moved. Looking at her now, she looks completely different than many years ago.

Her seat was a couple back from his and walking there, she gave him a small smile. He returned it with a slight nod of the head and focused back on his paper.

Luckily since the classroom was filled with chatter, you couldn't hear a heart beating out of their chest. Who knew that with so much distance and time, it would get the best of you and you can come to forget a certain face.

Then when you see them again, you realize again why they were your first crush.

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