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Boo Seungkwan spent the past two months since Heran left to audition for a company. It was hard, he'll admit. Heran was usually there to support him and he was so close to turning around and going back home.

Though in the letters that they have been sending to one another, Heran encouraged him to go for it and luckily, he got in.

The boy decided not to tell her about it yet. They planned to meet each other since Heran was coming to visit Jeju with her family and that was when Seungkwan was going to tell her.

A couple days passed and the two met up at the park once again. They sat together on the swings catching up with all that could have happened in two months.

"So tell me, how did the audition go?"

"It was great actually. I got accepted into the company."

"Seungkwan that's great! See, I told you that you'd be able to do it. With your voice, they'd be lucky to have you."

"Thanks Heran, for your support. I've started training and practicing dances after school recently, it's been taking up a lot of my life now."

"I see. No wonder your letters always take a while before I receive them."

"Yeah about the letters, I don't think I can keep sending them anymore. I'm sorry Heran, I just don't have the time to sit down and write them anymore. I still want to keep in touch, but maybe we can do that not using letters?"

There was a silence that surrounded the two. Maybe if the wind was blowing the tree leaves around it would be totally silent enough to hear Heran's heart crack a little.

"That's fine Seungkwan. We'll just text each other whenever we can."

Even though Heran had just arrived to Jeju, she was only staying for the weekend and tomorrow she would be heading back to Seoul. After their little chat, the two were about to split ways. Normally they would walk back home together but Seungkwan had to go to his company for training.

"You know, I hope next year, when I return, we can still be able to go to the park and see the cherry blossoms. Just like how it is now."

"Me too, Heran. We must, for old times sake."

The two hugged one last time before turning their ways. While walking away from each other, they both had heavy hearts.

Though, their hearts weren't heavy enough for them to miss each other.

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