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Boo Seungkwan had a week off of school and practice. He never realized how much time he spent studying and training until now. His parents were at work and he didn't have his license, so he's stuck at home for a week.

The day seemed long. The male had already finished catching up on all the dramas that he's missed but there's still so much time left in the day.

His phone started ringing when one of his trainee friends called.


"Soonyoung hyung, what's up?"

"Nothing much, the guys are over so I was wondering if you wanted to come too?"

"Oh sorry hyung, my parents are home so I don't have a ride there."

"I see. Do you want us to come to your house instead, so you won't be by yourself?"

"Sure, but how are you guys going to get here?"

"Don't worry, Cheol and Joshua hyungs brought their cars here so we'll just ride with them."

"Alright then, I'll see you guys in a few."

Seungkwan hung up his phone and started cleaning up the living room from his drama marathon. Heading to his room, he decided to clean it up a bit, just so the guys don't think he's that messy.

Putting away some dirty clothes and straightening out his bed sheets, he hit his foot on something under the bed. There was a little wooden box.

He picked it up and opened it to find all of the letters that he received from Heran. After looking at the letters for a bit, he pulled out his phone to find Heran's contact. Just as he was going to call her, the doorbell rang.

'Later, I'll call her later."
He thought as he went to the door.

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