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Boo Seungkwan was walking home after his practice and decided to drop by the store to get something to eat. Heading out of the store, he bumped into someone.

"Oh, Seungkwan! I'm so sorry."

"Aeyong, it's not problem. What are doing out this late?"

"Swim practice just ended and I'm heading home, how about you?"

"Still doing swim I see. I just finished my training for today. I just got a snack to eat on the way home. Mind if I join you?"

"No problem."

Seungkwan and Aeyong made their way down the street. In Aeyong's view, she was doing flips in her head but she could tell that Seungkwan probably didn't feel like that.

"Hey Seungkwan, you alright?"

"Huh? Oh yeah, I'm fine. Just training tired me out, you know. Plus there's been a lot going through my mind lately which doesn't help with anything, but I'm hanging in there."

Aeyong nodded her head and they continued in silence. She didn't want to push him into saying anymore since she already knew who he was thinking about.

Heran is a lucky girl she thought again. She's always on his mind and has so many memories with him. The only memory Aeyong had with Seungkwan was back in elementary.

School had just ended and Seungkwan was waiting for Heran outside of the school before his parents came to pick them both up. Aeyong was heading out of the school when Seungkwan called out to her and wished her luck with her swimming.
That was the first time he had ever talked to her and because of that, Aeyong has stuck to swimming.

That's the day she realized that Seungkwan meant something to her.

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