Pref: Song You Dedicate To Him

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♔I'm so sorry♔

3. Songs you dedicate to him
Warning: none

Bucky Barnes

Demons by Imagine Dragons
When Bucky goes on a mission you listen this song before you go to sleep. You sang it to him once but when he walked out of the room you thought you made him angry. The truth is that he thought it was beautiful and he was about to cry. He didn't want to seem weak in front of you. You dedicated the song to him because of that, everytime it's on the radio you tell him how strong he is.

Pietro Maximoff

Count on me by Bruno Mars
You and Pietro have been friends for so, so long and on a karaoke-night you couldn't pick any other song. It also fits him because you know that if you were in trouble he'd rush over to where ever you are. You would do the same, of course, but he's a little faster. Only a little.

Tony Stark

Pills 'N potions by Nicky Minaj
Because he's Tony Stark. There's not much left to say, he gets both of you drunk a lot of times. You usually end up in a fight but the next morning you wake up and run over to his room to peck his face and you guys talk about the parts of the fight that you remember.

Bruce Banner

All of me by John Legend
You dedicated this song to Bruce because you fell for him, hard. He's a very insecure person and before you both go to sleep you lay beside him and quietly sing this song. Because you fell for all of him, you don't care about the other guy and you fully trust Bruce. He cried the first time you sang it.

Steve Rogers

I really like you by Carly Rae Jepson
You had no idea how to tell Steve you liked him. So when he took you to his home for the 6th time or something you asked Bucky if he could help you. You found this song online and decided you wanted to sing it for Steve when everyone was gone. What you didn't know is that Bucky attached your microphone to the speaker that hung around all over the floor where you were and that all the other avengers were home. You ended up fleeing to your room when you finished the song but Steve followed you and sang you the parts of the song that he remembered. Telling you he liked you back.

Clint Barton

Truly, madly, deeply by One Direction
You and Clint weren't really emotional people, you wouldn't show it much. So when you heard this song for the first time you broke your radio. You didn't like pop at all and it was One Direction. But when you heard it for the second time you took your time to listen to the lyrics and realized that it was exactly what you felt for Barton. You stole his phone and changed your personal ringtone to the song and you hid it. You called him and he searched for his phone the first seconds before realizing what the ringtone said. He listened the whole song and you were just sitting in the room, blushing like an idiot when he kept smirking at you.

Thor Odinson

King and lionheart by Of Monsters And Men
Because he's the prince of Asgard and when he told you how amazing he thought you were you couln't get this song out of your head. He said you were the bravest Midgardian woman he had ever met.

Loki Laufeyson

Come and get it by John Newman
You and Loki had kind of a rough start. Yes, he had stunned you on the first date but whenever he was gone you felt like he was betraying you. Just lurping you in with his beautiful eyes. So when he was going to ask you on a second date, you started screaming this song through his room and he wasn't very amused. But it did encourage him to make your second date even better than the first one.

[The songs in order:]

Demons - Imagine Dragons

Count on me - Bruno Mars

Pills 'n potions - Nicky Minaj

All of me - John Legend

I really like you - Carly Rae Jepson

Truly madly deeply - One Direction

King and lionheart - OMAM

Come and get it - John Newman

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