Pref: Make Up

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12. Make up from your break up.
Warning: Language! (B/f/n) is Best Friends Name,

Tony Stark

You were still on the couch, it's been 5 days since you and Tony broke up and you haven't been out of your appartment ever since. (B/f/n) had brought you food and the stuff you needed to survive, like, lots and lots of ice cream. You sighed and put away the bowl of ice cream that you were eating and walked towards the window. It was raining, hard, everything looked sad.
It really matched your mood right now. You dressed yourself in a pair of sloppy sweatpants and a grey crop top, you grabbed an oversized sweater and pulled it over your head, nuzzeling your nose into the soft material. You grabbed an umbrella and went outside, there's no way Tony would be out in this weather.

You were walking down the streets, towards the park, as you came past the ice cream shop where you and Tony went after you met. You swallowed all the emotions that were coming up and quiqly walked passed it. As you entered the park you smiled, there were barely any people, only the dog owners that had to take their pets out. You sat down on a soaked bench and stared into the distance.
A stuttering voice asked form behind you. You turned around and there was the man you prayed not to run into. Tony stood there, soaking wet without a coat or umbrella. You quiqly stood up, grip tightening around the hold of your umbrella. You couldn't help but think Tony looked really cute with his hair all wet.

You quietly said. Tony scanned your body, you noticed his beard grew longer, which was really rare since Tony was a perfectionist and his beard couldn't be too long. He noticed you looking and rubbed across his chin.
"I have no reason to show up at work all fresh and clean anymore, so..."
He explained. You gulped, Tony looked devastated. He had dark blue rings under his eyes and his hair was messy, he probably hadn't showered since you left. It hurt you to see him like that.
"What are you doing here?"
You asked the man, voice trembling a little.
"I needed to go out, get some air."
You nodded.
A silence fell, it was awkward yet comforting.
"How are you doing?"
Tony asked. You wanted to shout: how do you think I'm doing, moron? You broke my heart and left it for trash. But you knew he felt the same. You took a deep breath and looked into Tony's eyes.

It just slipped through your lips. But it was true. The last few days had been horror.
"I hate not being with you almost as much as I hate being with you. God, Tony, how did you do it? You make me feel so much things at once, I hate it."
You said, fiercely blushing.
"And I love it at the same time."
You finished and looked at Tony, he was still on the other side of the bench, still standing in the rain.
"I've felt pretty much the same... I haven't slept in days, I haven't eaten in days, I couldn't even find the motivation to shower, but Nat forced me to..."
He whispered. You walked around the bench and stood beside Tony, holding the umbrella above you two.
"You burned my stuff."
You whispered.
"Only your clothes, I bought new ones right after you left."
He quiqly said. You looked at the ground.
"We were a terrible couple, weren't we?"
Tony nodded with a small smile curling up his lips. You smiled back.

"Can we please go back to being that terrible couple? I miss you so, so much."
Tony whispered as he took your free hand in his. You gazed at the man. Something tickled inside your stomach and you knew you were going to say yes. No matter how much this man screwed up, you would always love him.
"I missed you too."
You whispered before leaning in and gently pushing your lips on his. He smiled into the kiss and took the umbrella from you. You pulled away with a smile.
"Now let's get you shaved because that tickled like crazy."

Loki Laufeyson

You had no idea how long it had been since you saw Loki. A week, maybe two.  All you knew it that your heart kept aching more everyday since the man haunted you in your dreams.  Right now, you were sitting at the bar in the Avengers Tower because you wanted to drink, a lot.
You gulped down another glass of scotch and shivered at the burning sensation it sent through your throat. A door opened behind you and you laughed loudly.
"Tony, finally! I thought you were going to let me drink alone."
You chuckled and turned around on the barstool, it wasn't Tony who was standing there, it was Thor. He looked tired, exhausted. You slid of the barstool and took his hand to place you two on the couch.

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