Pref: Making A Fool Of Yourself

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14. You make a fool of yourself.
Warning: none

Loki Laufeyson

Today was the day you had feared for the last few months. You were trembling on your legs, heart pounding as you slowly stepped foward, trying not to fall. You bit your lip and squeezed your eyes.
"I've never done this before, Loki."
You whispered.
"There's a first time for everything."
He whispered in a low voice. His hand curled around your waist and he pulled you closer, his cheek touching yours.
"Loki I-I don't know if I'm ready..."
"I'm here, I'm right here."
You nodded and he slowly let you go as he stepped aside. He gave you a reassuring smile and you took a deep breath. You took a step and your foot slipped away under you, causing you to land on the cold ice with your butt.

You shrieked and pulled yourself up at the border of the ice skating ring. Loki laughed and grabbed your hand. You rubbed your butt with the other. Your cheeks got hot and you looked away from your boyfriend, who was chuckling.
"You are amusing me, Love."
He said. You gave him an angry look.
"Loki, I can't do this, I hate ice skating."
"And I hate pizza, I am dealing with it, so are you."
You gasped.
"You hate pizza! Loki! We can't be toghether anym-"
He cut you off by pulling you away from the border, you stumbled foward on the slippery ice and Loki could barely hold you up.
"I hate you."
You whimpered as you clenched your arms tightly around the man. He laughed and pushed you away gently, to take your hand and slowly starting to slide over the ice. He simply dragged you with him.

Your knees were shaky and you tried really hard not to fall, but it was difficult, you were sure your butt was bruised by now and your hands were really cold through the gloves. Loki pulled you off the ring and dragged you over to the small, cozy café. Once you finally got there, you fell 3 times, you sat down and whined loud.
"Loki-I want to go home, I can't skate."
"Yes you can, Love, you just need more practise."
"You're embarrassing me to all those people I don't know."
You chuckled and took a sip from your hot chocolate.
"What a disaster."
Loki said, sarcastically. You nodded.
"I know, so, let's go home and watch a movie, okay?"
"But next week we will return!"
Loki said and pulled you up. He pulled off your skates and lifted you up.
"Loki! My drink!"

Steve Rogers

You sat down om your bed. Tired and bored off all the things you haven't done today. Steve walked into your room and sat down next to you, neither of you saying something. You took his hand and then a deep breath.
"I'm sorry for you."
You choked out. Steve didn't say anything in return. His face was pale and his eyes were red and he just stared at the wall.
"Do you want anything?"
He shook his head. It's been exactly 2 and a half years since Peggy Carter died, since Tony and Steve got in a huge fight and since he almost lost Bucky, again.

You wiped your eye quiqly. You weren't there with Steve when that happened, you weren't even in America, but when he told you about it you had cried. You felt so terrible for the man. You saw that Steve's eyes held yours in a speechless gaze.
"What's wrong?"
"You've just been through so much..."
You whispered, hand drawing circles on his muscular back.
"I wish I was there."
You whispered and wiped away a few more tears. A laugh escapes your lips.
"This is embarrassing. I'm crying over something I wasn't even a part of."
Steve grabbed both of your hands and swallowed the lump in his throat.
"It's your way of showing how much you care. You care só much that even thinking about it makes you emotional."
He quietly said. You gave the man a weak smile.
"You can cry too, if you want."

Steve looked away, but you swear you saw something roll down his cheek. You pushed yourself on your knees and wrapped your arms around his shoulders.
"I shouldn't be crying over a woman who never loved me."
"Yes you should,"
You whispered into his ear.
"And I'm sure she did love you, no one could not love you, Steve."
He grabbed your arm and pulled you down on the bed, you laid side by side.
"I love you, (Y/n)."
He whispered.
"I'm sorry that I can't put Peggy out of my head."
"I'm just happy you love me enough to think past that,"
You whispered.
"And I love you too, very much."

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