Pref: You're Pregnant

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10. How they react to you being pregnant/adopting.
Warning: Language!

Clint Barton

You ran towards the bathroom, locking the door and leaving Clint behind all confused. You harshly pulled your pants and panties down and gasped when there was no blood. Your period was supposed to start 3 days ago and you were kind of scared now. You sighed, hesitating. You pulled your clothing back up and quiqly washed your hands before grabbing your coat and walking over to Clint again.
"Birdie, I gotta get something at the store, I'll be back in a few."
You said before you pecked his lips and walked away, not waiting for an answer.

You quiqly shoved the pregnancy-test in your purse and paid the girl behind the desk. She smiled at you and mouthed "good luck" before moving on to the guy behind you. You bit your lip as you walked down the street, already having sight on the Avengers Tower. What if you were pregnant? How would Clint react? Are you even ready for this? To give birth to a human, maybe even twins? You bumped into something and saw it was the glass door of the building you wished stood a few miles away further. You walked inside and took the elevator to the living-part. Clint was training and you slipped passed him into the bathroom, again.

You nervously walked around in circles, the timer on your phone ticking down rather slowly. You bit your lip and felt tears well up. What if it turned out positive, how would you tell Clint? How would you tell the rest of the team? They can't handle a baby in here. Maybe you and Clint would have to move out, get your own place. You could barely handle your job right now! You let out a yell when the timer went off and quiqly shut your phone down. You walked towards your drawer where the test lay on, slowly, thinking, crying almost. You grabbed the thing with closed eyes.

You opened your eyes and clasped your hand in front of your mouth. Positive.
You're pregnant. You were pregnant with Clint's baby. You felt the corners of your mouth creep up and tears rolling down your face. Maybe it wouldn't be that bad, maybe this is what you secretly wanted for a while. You shoved the test in your pocket and ran towards the training room. You pulled the door open and stood there, teary eyes and stains on your cheeks, smiling like an idiot. Clint looked up from his bow and raised his eyebrows.

"What's up? Something happened?"
You nodded. You nodded furiously and your head started throbbing because you nodded so hard. Clint put down his bow but he didn't move, he just stood there.
"Something wrong?"
He slowly asked. You gently pulled the test from your pocket and Clints face turned pale once he noticed what it was. Your smiled faded when he didn't seem to be happy.
"I-I'm pregnant."
You said, just to confirm it.
"Y-You are?"
Clint asked. You nodded and looked at Clint without an expression.
"Are you happy?"
You asked, terrified of the answer. Clint slowly walked towards you and laid his hand on your stomach.
"I'm going to be a dad?"
He whispered.
"I'm going to be a dad!"
He yelled happily and lifted you up to kiss you.
"Oh my god, Clint, I thought you didn't want this."
"Of course I want it, this little thing growing inside of you right now is what our love brought to us. It's gonna be a little Clint or a little (Y/n).  There's no way anything could make me happier." You smiled and pecked his lips when he placed you down again.
"We're ready for this."
"We are."

Bucky Barnes

You panted heavily as you laid the pregnancy-test on the sink. You leaned your hand against the wall and looked down.
"Oh my god..."
You whispered. This is the second month you didn't get your period. You felt so stupid for not noticing the first time. What if you were pregnant? What if Bucky wouldn't want this and it was too late for an abortion? You're breathing got even more heavy and you felt tears roll down your cheeks.

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