Pref: Someone Walks In On You

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9. Someone walks in on you two (Smut free)
Warning: Language!

Steve Rogers

You giggled nervously when Steve's hands gently slipped under your t-shirt. You broke off the kiss and looked in his piercing blue eyes.
He whispered. You giggled.
"You're so beautiful, (Y/n)."
He said, glancing at your chest. You grinned and leaned back to press your lips on Steve's. His hands laid still on your exposed hips and your hands rested on his chest. Your lips moved togheter perfectly. You broke of the kiss again and pulled Steve's shirt over his head. He looked at you with big eyes and you slowly let your hands slide over his muscular chest. He wiggled in the chair under your touch and suddenly his hands were under your ass and lifting you up. You squeeked at the sudden feeling of being in the air but you didn't have lot of time to get comfortable since Steve's lips crashed back on your again.

Steve literally threw you on the bed and ripped apart your t-shirt.
You yelled.
"That was one of my favorites!"
Steve smirked and leaned over to your ear.
"This looks way better."
He whispered an kissed your earlobe, you shivered at his breath in your neck. Steve could get so, so dominant at times like these. He was already unbuckling his pants when a door slammed open.
"Guys! You have no idea-"
The person, who was Clint, stopped talking and stared at you two in shock. Steve stepped in front of his sight so he couldn't see you and growled.
"Get out."
He said and Clint slowly closed the door.
"Rogers is not a virgin anymore!"
Clint screamed through the hallways. You laughed and looked at Steve's reddened face.
"I'm the only one who may see you shirtless."
He murmured and leaned down to kiss your neck.
"Of course, Stevie."
You answered, still laughing a little, before you two started the great night.

Bruce Banner

It was really late already and Bruce was still working in his lab. You sighed and flipped the page of the book you were reading. You were sitting on top of your bed, wearing a see-through shirt from Bruce and under it some bright pink underwear. You nonchalantly read further until someone opened the door. It was Bruce, face all sweaty and hair sticking to his face.
"G'night, Bruce."
You said and placed your book down, even though the room was dark you could see Bruce's eyes scanning your body.
"You're not supposed to do that."
He grumbled and looked you in the eyes.

"Do what?"
You asked with a frown.
"Look like that."
He said and looked from your chest to your face. You blushed and quiqly grabbed the covers to pull them over your exposed body.
"Too late."
He said. He walked over to you and pulled the covers down.
"But I don't want to hurt you."
He whispered and sat down in front of you. You to just gazed into each others eyes for a moment until you flung your body forward to meet Bruce's lips. Bruce smiled widely against your lips and gently pushed you on the bed, hovering above you.
"You sure?"
He asked. You nodded and started unbuttoning his shirt. Bruce didn't really care much and ripped your shirt and bra from your body. In a reflex you covered up your chest immediatly. Bruce look at you with a confused face.

Slowly you put your arms to the side and Bruce just stared. You felt your face turn red and wanted to cover yourself up again but Bruce pinned your arms above your head with one hand and stroke your stomach with the other.
"God, (Y/n), you're so beautiful."
He whispered and your face got even redder. Bruce started kissing your colarbone and kept going down until the door opened.
"Bruce I have-Oh my god!"
Natasha screamed. She started laughing and you rolled on your stomach. Burrying your face in the materess.
"Nat, please, we're busy."
"I see."
She said and you could feel it that she winked at Bruce.

Bruce turned you around again and you breathed heavily. Arms sticking to your chest. Bruce smiled and kissed your arms all the way up to your shoulders, making you smile a bit.
"Where was I?"

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