Tears are Shed

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I can tell it's Lucas because,well, he's the only one that would really care about either of us. "Hey" he says as I look up to him. Riley glances up to show that she notices him and goes right back to sobbing. I can tell that all of this is going to be really hard on her. She lifts her head, wipes her tears, and says, "What now?" I look at her and then Lucas. Honestly, I really don't know how to answer or what we actually are going to do. We sit there for a while. I tell them that we should probably go back out and the both nod in agreement. I hold Riley's hand as we walk out to see that Josh was gone but everyone else was still here. Riley and I both looked relieved but scared at the same time. Lucas just lookat confused. I see Mr. Matthews in the corner crying and gripping his frizzy hair. We all walk over to see if he's okay. "It's gonna be okay Matthews. He's gonna be fine." I say trying to comfort him. He looks at me, shakes his head, and returns to his crying. Like father like daughter. Speaking of, I wonder where Shawn is. He's probably with Josh. I hadn't thought of this until now but, who shot Josh? Who would want to shoot Josh? We'll figure that out once he's okay. I come back to the moment. No one knows what to do but parents were called and everyone else is okay. Sooner than later my mom, Katie, running around the perimeter of the school shouting my name. I finally catch her attention and she bolts to me crying. "Are you okay? Are you hurt? Oh honey. I'm so sorry. Who got hurt? What's wrong with Cory and Where's Farkle?" She says way too fast. "I'm fine. No. It's okay. Josh was shot. 2 bullets. One to the chest and one to his right leg. Matthews is still in shock and his parents got into a plane crash and we just found out this morning." I say reassuring her and I. "Maya, it's going to be fine" I repeat to myself in my head.

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