Tragedy Act 1 Part 2

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It was a cold foggy night in Sesame Street. The place was void of monsters and humans, save for some of the crackheads that scurry around like scavengers looking for supplies in the wasteland. Elmo was frightened. He told no one about Big Bird's ghost. He knew that their friends would think that he'd gone mad due to grief, that he started to do drugs to cope with the death of his best friend. No, Elmo stayed somewhat sober. The only exception was alcohol. He held the gun tightly in his trembling furry fingers. It was a good thing that he didn't have an impulse to press the trigger or he'd wake all the junkies. As he slowly walked through the dirty alleyway, his breathing became erratic once he saw his first and only suspect, Oscar the Grouch. The poor sap was shooting up heroin as he cooked up meth in another trash can. What a disgusting smell, and I'm not talking about the methamphetamine, Elmo thought to himself as he slowly came closer to the distracted hooligan.

Elmo's eyes squinted with rage and aimed at the trashcan of the unsuspecting junkie.

"What the fuck! Who did that?" Oscar stuttered, dropping his dirty used needle on the ground which was covered by a pile of maybe a thousand needles. Monsters have an innate resistance when it comes to drugs, and so they need more than what humans need. Elmo sprinted towards the garbage monster with rage in his eyes, shooting the garbage can that Oscar was in three more times. As Oscar tried to get away, he ended up tripping over all the needles, which stabbed his face.

"Elmo! What'd I ever do to ya? C'mon, all I was doing was minding mine's own business, nothin' against ya." Oscar's face was bleeding as the needles started falling off of his face, showing the stuff inside his puppet body. Elmo pulled out a cigarette from his pocket and lit it up. He blew smoke that came towards Oscar's bleeding visage.

"Elmo knows what you did, Grouch. My friends. If I have to explain even more, Elmo might have to kill you now." Oscar anxiously laughed at Elmo's threats. He knew that Elmo could kill a man with his bare hand.

"I'll tell ya why I did it: I was paid... by an anonymous contributor. They came to the alleyway one day and handed me a load of cash as big as Snuffleugapus's gaping asshole. They told me that I could buy all the drugs with that money as long as I did what they ordered."

"They? Why don't you specify who it really is?" Elmo's frustration grew, and he pondered who this mysterious person could be. His patience's fuse was short. Just talking to his best friends' killer was too much for him to bare and he couldn't contain the rage he'd bottle up for so long. He needed more answers. He took the cigarette from his lips and burnt Oscar's unibrow off as he laid on the ground. The garbage monster was afraid that he'd get shot if he moved a muscle, and let Elmo release his anger on him, but not in a kinky way. Oscar screamed in pain as Elmo burnt him for what felt like an eternity, but in reality it was merely a couple seconds.

"Tell me who paid you!"

"I.. I can't. I don't remember." Before Elmo could burn Grouch again, he heard police sirens sweeping past the alleyway.

"It's the cops on their nightly checkup. They're probably coming close cuz they heard me scream. Elmo, you'll never get to find out. You're a fool for playing detective. You'll never trust anyone in this city again. Everyone else in this god damn neighborhood wanted to kill them off.

Oscar smiled wryly, knowing that he pissed off Elmo. The furry red monster started to punch Oscar out of rage.

"I'd rather die than tell you who planned this!"

"Well you're lucky that today's letter is D. It meant Diversity in today's episode, but now it stands for die!" Elmo shot the junkie dead right in the forehead, stuffing coming out from the other side. The grieving monster ran away from the corpse before the cops could get him. He had to make his hit list a little bit longer now. Elmo needed to make connections, really find out who'd plan to kill his best friends. Has Sesame Street really been corrupt this whole time? As the lights of the sirens flooded into the shrouded alleyway, Elmo ran before fatigue took over. He ended up in the outskirts of Sesame Street. He knew that he was now a wanted fugitive. Although there was a twist to the beginning of this tale, Elmo knew that this was justice for Big Bird and Mr. Noodle.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2016 ⏰

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