Chapter 7: THE GIFT

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The fence and it's beautiful railings is lighted by the post lamp at night. It's elegant feature claims the manor's façade. Tables and chairs wrapped in white and purple clothes are properly arranged at the garden. It is Cassie's 17th birthday tomorrow. But she's not excited with that. What bothers her tonight is if John will be there.
The sound created by the descending water of the fountain had been Cassie's lullaby at night, but it can't help her at this time. She can't sleep, there are lot of thoughts in her mind. She decided to stay at the balcony and stare at the stars. Her room is at the second floor with its balcony facing the garden. She embraced herself when the cool wind hits her but still chooses to stay. Stars can be seen clearly in the dark sky, the clouds are calm and the wind was friendly though a little bit colder.

Cassie sat at the steel chair in her balcony and looked at the garden which she hasn't seen for a week because of the rain, but because of that she has time to play with Trixie and bond with her mom and dad. She already knew why Trixie was with them now. She was a blessing for them. Her mom can no longer bear a child - the reason she knew why she grew as the only child of Dela Cuesta's. Trixie's biological mother was a raped victim and pleads her mom to adopt her child when she gave birth to it, she was found by Cassie's parents half dead at the road. They bring her at the woman's institution that accomodates victims of sexual and physical abuse. They help her recovered and later on they found out that she was pregnant. She had lost everything but she still wants the baby to live but she can't afford to raise a child and the only option she knows is to find a family who wants to adopt it and unfortunately she died after giving birth to Trixie.
Cassie's tears rushed down on her cheeks, she can't hold it whenever she will remember the story of her adopted sister. She promised to herself that she will protect her and will give her all the love that she needs. She stared again at the sky and wondered. The rain had stopped when she wake up that morning, her mom and her Ma Marie rejoices and keep on thanking God because the caterer can finally set up the tables for her birthday. While all the people at the manor were busy, she stalked and peek at the gate where John always stayed in the morning. He was not there but she saw his dog. She wanted to see him again. She'd been waiting for him for days. He said he'll visit again but it's been a week since he said that and except from that she doesn't know if he received her invitation. Sadness filled her heart again of her thought that John wanted her to be his friend but seems like he was not sincere. She stood and decided to go back to her bed but before she closed the door she heard a noise at the garden. She ran back at the balcony and looked around but she can't see anything. It's too dark at the garden and the only source of light is the moonlight. It's not enough to see what's happening there. She ran again to her room and locked the door. If she was not mistaken someone had fell off the fence. "Was it is a thief?" she asked to herself. She turned off the light and hide to her blanket and after a few minutes she ran off again to the balcony and observed. She focused her attention into the garden, after a while a man from the dark came out. She closed her mouth with his hands to prevent herself from screaming but wondered afterwards. "John?" Cassie asked to herself again. He was wearing faded blue jeans and loose white shirt and a knapsack bag at his right shoulder when he came near at the balcony she pointed out the ladder to him and ask him to climb faster but became muted as soon as he came in front of her.
John climbed up and smiled at her. "Hi! How are you doing?" he tucked his hair to his left ear and put his bag at the coffee table.

Cassie froze in her position she can't move, she felt like her knees weaken.

"I.....I am fine" she answered, but what she wants to say is that she misses him.

"Sorry... I don't think I can make it tomorrow" he paused and stared at her.

When Cassie remains silent he started to draft an excuse for her birthday. "I'd received your invitation. I'm sorry again I don't have time to respond I'm too busy with my studies... I hope you forgive me?" he ran his hand to his hair and tucked his hands in his pockets.
Cassie remains her silence. It's not a good news though she's a little flattered of how he gave his efforts just to apologize. She stares at him but when their eyes met she looked away and turns her sight at the garden. She stayed quiet for a while but never forget to smile at John. She can't say any words and she's hoping that John would understand that her silence means his apologize is accepted.

"Hey...., Silence means yes?" John asked her in doubt though he understands her being quite and because she never frowned since he came he knows Cassie is not mad at him.

"Sorry again, but don't worry I'll do my best to come for your party. Is that okay?"

"I'll hold on that... thanks. But next time, please don't hop on the fence again... please?"

"Oh sure, I won't do that again not unless I came here when everyone is awake and guards are willing to open the gate for me" he winked at her and get serious afterwards and hurriedly ask her why when he sees Cassie's worried face.

"Someone opened the door." she whispered at him. A woman called her name which made them both jump at their feet. "It's Ma Marie!!! She exclaimed, and eyes are widened. "Hurry go home, they won't allow you to come again here if they caught you sneaking here tonight."

"Wait before I leave I wanted you to have this" he rummaged at his bag.

"Oh my God John we don't have time for that... You should go now"

"My presents for you... but wait don't open it before twelve midnight" he handed her a box covered with blue gift wrapper and white ribbon at the top of it. "Anyway, you only have fifteen minutes to go."

"Thanks, but please you have to go" she hugged the gift with his left arm and use her right arm to push John away. She's worried she knew her nurse was heading at the balcony now.

"Hey wait, you're not appreciating it, give it back to me" he laughed at Cassie's expression while letting her push him.

"Of course I do, leave now or else you'll be banned here!!"

"Okay, I'm leaving stop pushing me." When Cassie stopped he kissed her in her cheeks and before Cassie reacts on what he had done he is gone in the dark.

"Cassie!!!" Ma Marie raised her voice when she found her. "What are you doing here? It's already and you're still awake!" she placed her hands on her waist.

Cassie just smiled and lied that she thought a cat was trying to open her door and walked sideward in front of her nurse to hide her gift at her back. When her nurse leaves her room, she just sits at her bed staring at the gift and wait till 12:00 midnight comes.

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