Chapter 2 : A Helping Hand

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            Cassie’s ordinary days always starts with waking not later than six in the morning and walk with her Ma Marie as a regular exercise, complete her medication for that day, eat meals that are too much for vegetables and greens or it was tasteless, and sleep as early as she could. It was her regular routine for the past eight years. She wanted to change it a bit and decided to leave alone without her nurse’s consent.

She walked as usual around the village. Cassie wears her lavender cotton sweater paired with cotton pants. She embraced herself as the early wind of Christmas season blew, she look at the trees around the village and watched them as their leaves sways with the wind. She continued walking and passed through the house next to manor and saw the guy who owned a big brown dog playing with it. At the sidewalk in front of the gate she watched them and wondering how does it feel to play with his barking mate. She stood there for a few minutes and after that she slowly walked away. She reached the fourth house after the Manor and what she have to do is to go back to have her breakfast and took her medicines but instead she walk straight ahead. She stopped at the post lamp with the blue name plate saying that she’s on the Blossom Street. The houses in the row were built simpler compared to the houses at Cherry Street. Unfamiliar scene to her, though she was quite amused how the duplex residence looks great. She looked around and saw a girl her same age closing the gate where she came from. She’s wearing a light blue sweater paired with boot cut jeans and 2 inch heels leather boots.

Curiosity leds Cassie to follow her. Her heart beats fast when after seeing her for the first time. Cassie smiled, she was slightly amused... She’s quite a pretty young lady. She followed her and after walking a several blocks it stopped and turned around to look at her. Cassie suddenly felt nervous, it was her first time to be alone away from the manor and she doesn’t know how the people outside of it will treat her. The look from the young lady was not as friendly as her Ma Marie and their other servants. She took a step backward when the girl walked towards her.

“Who are you, why are you following me?” she placed her hands on her waist and gave her a striking look. When Cassie did not reply, she pushed Cassie hard that she almost lost her balance.

“I-I’m s-s-sorry, I was just walking by and it’s not my intention to follow you." But she pushed her again and this time Cassie fell off the rough ground.

“Why are you so mean? I didn’t do anything wrong for you to get mad at me.” she rubbed her eyes to prevent her tears and help herself to stand. She felt a sudden pain on her left elbow and saw a scarlet blood on it. Her tears burst and started to cry like a little child and keep on calling her mom and her Ma Marie while holding her injured arm.

The girl who pushed her stood still, eyebrows curved up, hands are on her waist and piercing look is still in its eyes, but all of a sudden her hard facial expression change. Cassie heard a panting but powerful voice of a young man on her back. She slowly turned at her back to see who it is. He walked closer to the girl who pushed her and heard him talked.  Cassie doesn’t have any idea on what they are arguing with, she’s too scared and don’t know how to get back at the manor. The girl leaves for an unknown reason and when the girl turned her back on them the young man took a deep breath.

She hesitated when the guy offer her a handkerchief and step backward thinking that he’ll hurt her too just like what the girl she had met did.

“No, don’t be afraid.” He smiled and stared at her elbow. She was still crying, she even forgot that the guy who wanted to help her was the owner of the big brown dog - the boy who lived next to manor.

“Mom….Mommy….Ma Marie” Cassie sob between her words while still holding her left arm.

I’ll bring you to them, come trust me I’ll not hurt you.” he smile again and lend his hand to her. 

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