Monday Morning

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A/N: Sorry for the long waiting. This chapter is a Little bit longer, because there is more "daily life"-stuff, and not that much romance-stuff. The next part is going to be more cornyyy. :> Excuse my bad bad english. Still learning. :D

Some other Information:

 -Nathan goes to School (but he's still taking drugs and everything)              

 -Nathan is in Jeffersons Class because that whole Jeffershit shit is not going on. (Maybe i'll Change that later, haha)

- "Room 18" is just a Studio that nobody uses

[The next morning]

I feel how the sun kisses me awake. I blink a few times, before i open my eyes completely. I want to turn on my back, but i hit against a shoulder. Suddenly it occurs to me that Nathan lays beside me. Everything that happened yesterday goes trough my head. I turn to the sleeping boy and watch him careful. His hair is messed up, a few curls cover his forehead. His mouth is a little bit open. I want to kiss him, but i have to resist. He looks kinda frightened, but so peaceful. My view wanders on his torso. It's pale and thin and there are a few bruises...and still it's the most beautiful body i've ever seen.

I stroke soft over his shoulder as he begins to mutter. I try to figure out what he's saying, but i don't manage it. He is so fckn' cute. I ignore the time. I ignore the loud music that comes out of Dana's room. I even don't care about Victoria's annoying yelling. I smile, and i'm completely fixed on this sleeping angel in my bed.

Suddenly he blinks and looks at me, but then he closes his eyes again. He puts his arm around me and draws me a lil' closer to him. His caribbean blue eyes sparkle in the morning sunlight.


He whispers and smiles.

-,,Morning...slept well?"

Nathan yawns, clears his throat and replys softly:

,,Better than in the last months."

I smile and stroke trough his blond-brown hair. We just stare in each others eyes. This beautiful silence get's interrupted by my phone. I stretch my arm over Nathan to grab my Phone, but i can't reach it.

,,Could you please....?"

I say, and Nathan turns around, grabs my phone and gives it to me. I unlock my Phone and see a new message from Hayden.

SMS: Good morning sweetheart, hope u slept well. Wanna hang out later? :) Got 4g white widdow :P

I don't reply, because i'm not sure if i have time. Actually i wanted to go outside and take some pictures, when it's that beautiful outisde. Nathan stares at my phone. His chilled face turns into an annoyed expression.

,,Why the fuck are you hanging out with Hayden?"

He says, and get's a lil' louder.

-,,I'm not hanging out with him."

I reply and get louder too.

,,Sure. So why does he call you 'sweetheart', huh?"

- ,,I don't know. Why do you care?"

I lower my voice and say a little bit unsure:

...,,It's not that you're my boyfriend or so.."

He looks at me and he looks kinda .... sad...?

,,What the fuck ever."

he says and stands up, pissed.

What was that? Why he looked so sad for a moment?


I distract from the subject

...,,It's pretty late so maybe we should hurry up . I don't wanna be late for class."

I watch Nathan while he takes on his clothes. He is kinda....awkward. Like a child. He tries to button up his Cardigan like for the third time. I chuckle. He turns around, a little bit calmer than before, and says:



,,Don't you wanna get dressed up..?"

-,, Actuallly i'm waiting for you to leave.... NOT IN A BAD WAY! I ... you know .. i don't want you to see me in my underwear .. and stuff..."

my face gets immediately red.

He frowns:

,, Alright. Like you said, i'm not your boyfriend. Catch you later, (y/n)."

Nathan says and leaves my room.

Somehow he sounded disappointed .... and angry.

I stare at my ceiling ...I bet that was only imagination! Why should he be sad about that? He just kissed me. He could hook up with any girl at blackwell. He just kissed me 'for fun'. That's it!.... man.. that sucks.

I stand up and walk slowly towards my wardrobe. I take a darkblue jeans and a black "The walking Dead" - hoodie. I'm not a fashionista, but it's comfy. I turn to my mirror, brush my hair, apply a little bit make-up, well on my eyebags i could add more, and .... et voilá!

I slip into my black chucks, take my toothbrush and go to the bathroom. Victoria is the first person i see. We're not Firends, but we don't hate each other. But i know that she can be a bitch.

,,Good Morning, Darling!"

-,,M-Morning, Victoria."

i smile at her and walk further.

She takes my arm:

,,By the way: i saw Nathan comming out of your room ;)"

She says, and gives me a kinda... "dirty" smile.

- ,,Uhmm..Okay?"

I pretend not to care, but i hope she won't tell anybody. Before i get into the bathroom i see Alyssa getting attacked with TP. I try not to laugh out loud.


I sit at the same table as Max Caulfield. I don't know her, but she seems to be nice. Nathan always calls her Cockfield, and he told me that she's a nosy bitch... I draw some stuff but i can't resist to look at Nathan. He shares the Table with Daniel. I guess Nathan hates that. His hair is perfectly styled again. I'd like to stand up and just stroke trough his hair again... He tapps at the table. He seems to be nervous

Suddenly he looks at me. My heart almost stands still... but he turns around. I feel how my face is getting hot and red. I turn around too.


,,No phones in class!"

Mr.Jefferson says.

Fuck, i forgot to mute my phone. I unlock it inconspicuous and see a message from Nathan.

SMS: we hve 2 talk l8r. Meet me @ room 18 aftr class

Jesus, can't you just write like a normal person?

REPLY: I will be there. ^o^

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