Road To Normal {Being Human (Syfy) Fan Fiction}

427 7 4

June 17.


I don't know how to start this. It seems like every line I put down sounds insane, and when I try to put something different, I feel like I'm telling lies.

So, I thought I would just be strieght forward with this and not give you some sugar coated explination. So, here goes.

I think I'm a werewolf.

I know how stupid and crazy that sounds. I'm human! (A part of me feels like I'm telling another lie after I wrote that.) Werewolves don't exsist, they are legands and things of horror novels. But, I'm starting to think that I might be wrong. I guess I'll start from that attack that happened a few weeks ago, and then tell you what happened last night. 

A few weeks ago I was attacked by some animal, like I had wrote a few entries ago. It was pretty dark out, and I didn't get a good look at the animal that attacked me, but it was a beast. As big as me, and was much heavier than me. I was lucky that I managed to survive through to the morning after it had ran off, and those two little girls had found me. I can't remember much, but I do remember that I had woke up in the hospital, my current boyfriend at the time sitting in a chair beside the bed. I still have the claw marks on my back from when it had jumped me, but all wounds and cuts are healed right now. 

But, last night...I really don't know what to say about it. I had went to bed early, hoping to get a good nights sleep for the weekend ahead of me. But, I was woken up a few hours later by, what I thought were, stomach pains. Sharp, sharp ones. It felt like they insides were being twisted around and being pulled. I had gotten out of bed, trying to make it to the bathroom without collapsing.

I actually ended up in the living room, realizing that something really wrong was happening to me. I went to call an ambulance, but doubled over in pain so badly that I didn't even dial the number. I can remember the feeling of my bones constricting and expanding, snapping into what I was changing into. It was the worst pain I had felt in my lifetime, and I was scared to death. I can remember looking down at my hands, seeing my finger nails shift into claws, and my teeth...

It was horrible. I had blacked out the rest, but I woke up this morning on the living room floor, naked. My furnature torn up and a few chairs were broken. Whatever had happened, I had done some damage to my house. 

I'm not sure what exactly happened, seeing as I had no control over what I was doing while I was out of it. But, something strange is going on here, and I have a feeling that I will need to be more careful about it. 

- Andrea.

Her hand rested on the spine of the small black notebook, reading over the entry. So much had changed from that point in time, and her condition was something Andrea felt she had control over. At least, she hoped she did. 

She closed the small book with a quiet smack, standing up from the box she was sitting on. The house was empty with the exception of a few boxes she was taking with her. Most of her furnature was staying there, Andrea deciding that she would be getting new furnature at the end of the month again anyway, so why not leave it here instead. 

She was thinking of this move as a new start. A new city, new job, new house. Hopefully some new friends. 

A clean slate. But, this move wasn't exactly her wanting to be somewhere new, no. This was something she needed to do for her own protection. Her house was falling apart, and her niebours were growing suspisious about what happens every month. She was getting too loud, and she was looking for some place where she could be in her own home, and hopefully have the houses far enough apart that they can't hear what was going on. 

With a sigh, Andrea stuffed the small notebook in a box that had most of the things for her bedroom in it. She picked it up and headed out towards the car, packing it in there with the rest of the boxes. She didn't have much personal belongings, which was nice since her car wasn't made to hold a full household of things. 

Three boxes later, she was ready to go. She closed the trunk of her car and headed out to the drivers side. She paused, looking up at her old house for a few moments. She felt bad for just up and leaving with so much as a weeks notice to her few friends and family members. Not that she was really involved with her family, seeing as she fought with them more than anything. 

But, she was kind excited that she was finally getting out of this town, ready to start somewhere new. A small smile grew on her face as she climbed into the drivers seat and set out for her new city. 


Four long quiet hours soon turned into five hours, soon to be six. She kept the radio on, but sometimes she couldn't even get a station at all. Andrea really hated being alone with her thoughts, but she sang songs in her head and thought of the stuff she needed to do once she got settled in to pass the time. 

It was getting pretty late once she reached her new home. The house was pretty small, not that Andrea minded. She pulled her car up and shut off the engine. She locked the car, fishing out the keys to the darkened home. She walked up the steps and unlocked the door. 

The house was nicer than she had originally thought. The front hall leading out into an empty space that she assumed was the living room, the kitchen cutting off to the right behind a set of stairs. Andrea climbed up the stairs, the second floor holding a washroom and a single bedroom. The bedroom wasn't too small, but it wasn't huge. She paused, looking around in the room before heading downstairs to gather the boxes she took with her, and a matress. 

This first night was going to be a hard one, but she was ready to face the day tomorrow. She just hoped that nothing too surprising happened, though she's usually wrong. 

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