-Chapter 3-

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We were done eating and Nicolla went to pay the check while I used the restroom .. I glanced at my Michael Kors watch to see how much time I had to chill before work when I walked out I stopped dead in my tracks as Caine stood a few feet away leaning on the wall staring me up & down .. I was about to walk away when he grabbed me by my wrist pulling me back to him ..

"Excuse you !!" I said snatching my wrist back and rubbing it ..

"What's your name ?" He asked still grilling me ..

"Why ?"

"Because I want to know" he said in a deep ass voice giving me goose bumps ..then he started fiddling with my navel ring ..

I pushed his hand away smirking "E'mani, now can I go ?" I asked folding my arms ..

He smiled at me "What you doin tonight E'mani ?" he asked

"None of your business Caine !! Your bitches are probably out there waiting on you .. don't keep them waiting !!" I said right before walking away just to be snatched right back but this time he cornered me to the wall ..

"You a smart mouthed ass lil girl !!" He said looking me up and down as I laughed in his face ..

"Lil girl where ?" I asked sizing him up .."Im grown as hell !!"

"You think you is !!" He said licking his plump lips .. My mind went to thinking of how I could put them to use ..

"I know I am !! Now move !!" I said staring him in his eyes ..

"Imma show you.." he said damn near to hisself because he said it so low ..

"You ain't gone show me shit, you better ask about Mani .." I said smirking

Caine nodded with a devilish grin on his face as he moved his arms letting me walk away.. I looked him up and down one last time before walking away .. Nicolla stood by the door waiting for me to come out smirking as she seen Caine walking from around the corner after me .. I grabbed her arm pulling her outside before she started with the questions ..

"What was that about ?" She asked barely out the door ..

"That nigga bold !!" I said as I got in the car ..

"What happened ?! Talk bitch !!" She started the car and began driving off

"He cornered me in the hallway, asked me my name, what I was doing tonight, then I think he sexually threatened me" I said nonchalantly

"Oowee, did you tell him you'd be at KOD tonight ?"

"Nope, he'll figure it out on his own .. plus I'm not really tryin to go there with him .. dude is a hoe .. he had two bitches with him at the very same time he was around the corner flirting with me !!" I answered checking my make up ..

Nicolla sighed "Fuck them !!" she frowned up making me giggle .. "Girl take one for the team and get a taste for me" she laughed focusing her attention on me ..

"Get a taste for yourself" I said shaking my head

"Too late, he called dibbs on you Miss E'mani"

"Whatever" I said texting Mario back ..

It was 8:15 when Nicolla dropped me off at home .. She had to be at KOD a hour earlier than so she had to go home and get ready .. I ran me some steaming hot bath water & got in .. I soaked until the water started getting cold then I got out .. I started getting my bag packed with outfits for the night .. My plan was to only be there until about two, from the words of Nicolla if these niggas were really balling like she said they were I wouldn't have to be there long .. I put on some sweats and a tshirt and hopped into my black Kia Optima then headed to KOD !! People were starting to line up at the door as I got my bag out the back seat and headed into the club ..

"Hey Danny" I said greeting the bouncer .. He grinned that same koolaid smile everytime he saw me .. he had been the bouncer since I started working at KOD & Not once did he ever miss a day ..

"Sup Mani" he said greeting me back

I walked in to a already packed house .. My first stop was the bar !! After the year and a half of working at KOD I still wasnt quite use to it and needed a few shots before I went on .. It took motivation to lie and feed these niggas dreams every night .. and my motivation was liquor and money !!

"Corey !!" I yelled for the bartender

"What's up Mani, the usual ?"

"Yes" I answered sitting on top of a bar stool ..

My usual was 2 shots of Seagrams Gin and 2 shots of Apple Crown Royal .. my favorite .. I looked around to see Caine and his crew still hadn't showed up yet .. I smirked as Corey sat my shots down in front of me .. Just like clock work Nicolla hit the corner just as she did every night looking for me ..

"I knew you'd be here" she said pinning her hair up in a ponytail ..

"How is it ?" I asked referring to the money flow ..

"The real money haven't made it yet"

I nodded downing my second shot ..

"By the time you get dressed shit should be picking up" she said looking around

I took my third shot frowning up as I noticed commotion coming from the entrance .. Caine and his crew was walking through the door and everyone was showing him love .. I smirked downing my last shot ..

"And theirs the money .. " Nicolla said matter of factly !! "Go get dressed bitch !!"

I watched her walk away as I took a deep breath and grabbed my bag heading to the dressing room ..


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