-Chapter 33-

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Seconds turned into minutes, minutes, turned into hours .. but nothing changed to go!! My babygirl had made up her mind that she wanted out .. that's when I made the phone call to Caine !!

"Whats up" he answered

"I'm in labor Caine .. I don't know how much longer I can hold her off !!"

"Wait .. you in labor ? E you got a whole two more months to go !!" He replied

"My blood pressure is up Caine .. it wont go down so they have to take the baby !!"

"How long you been there ?" He asked

I sighed already knowing what he was about to say ..

"A few hours" I said

"And you just now callin me ? Damn Mani !! I'm on my way !!" He hung up

I looked over to King who was staring at me .. "Moment of truth huh ?"

I rolled my eyes at him and sighed .. I was at 5 centimeters and babygirl was only 3 pounds 11 ozs .. Despite all the drama I was ready to see her face !! I was excited and nervous all at the same time !! Nicolla and King was there with me the entire time, when it came time to push they both held my hand !! My little girl made her debut at 2:57 am on August 14th !! I couldn't stop smiling at her !! She was the most gorgeous thing I had ever seen .. then I was hit with reality when I looked up into King's eyes ..

I laid the baby down "Get out !!"

Nicolla frowned at me "What ?"

"Give me a minute please .. both of you leave !!" Nicolla huffed as she walked out while King stared at me

"You want me to ask the doctor for a test ?"

I sighed "Yes !!"

King walked out and I looked back down at my baby .. The DNA test was unnecessary because I could clearly see who her dad was .. I just needed some space to think about it !! The nurse came in and swabbed the baby and King .. but it was going to be 48 hours before the results came back ..

Caine walked in a few hours later with 2 dozen roses, 5 balloons and a big ass bear .. He kissed my cheek then turned his attention to the baby .. his smile was priceless and I felt guilty .. two guys were there celebrating the birth of their maybe child all because of me .. I took my eyes off of them and began to watch tv as Caine held the baby .. King sat in the corner with a blank expression taking in everything ..

"I'm sorry I missed it" Caine said finally saying something to me

"It's fine .." I said never taking my eyes off of the tv ..

"Im about to roll out" King finally spoke

"Aight, I appreciate you staying with her bruh"

King looked at me and I rolled my eyes .. "No problem" he walked out and Nicolla gave me a look and I shook my head ..

Caine was attached to the baby already .. he held her until the doctors came to get her for tests .. She was premature and would have to stay in the hospital until she gained some more weight.. I was attached too and didn't want to leave her ..

Caine & Nicolla stayed with me all night and the day after that I was released from the hospital ..

Caine was extra distant after I had the baby .. if we weren't at the hospital he was always gone .. and I was getting sick of it .. The hospital called me to let me know the results were in for King & the baby .. So I headed that way .. I already knew what the results said I just wanted to see it for confirmation .. I stopped by the nurses station to hold the baby .. the name on her cradle read Heiress with a crown over the H .. I felt like that was the perfect name for her .. I opened the envelope as I rocked her in the rocking chair .. to no surprise her father was just who I thought it was and I was ready to spill the tea and get it over with .. I kissed Babygirl cheek before putting her back down in her cradle ..

I texted Caine and asked him where was he but he never texted back .. I texted King too but he didn't answer .. but I knew where one of them would be and that was Cocaines .. when I pulled up a decorating crew was setting up for a party that was to take place there that night ..

I searched through the crowd of people to find Caine .. when I spotted him I parked my car and headed over to him but King walked up to me grabbing my arm ..

"What's up ?" He asked

"We need to talk .. I need to talk to him !!"

"Now aint a good time Mani .. go home and ill tell him .."

I sucked my teeth at him and called Caines name .. when he looked at me it was like he had seen a ghost ..

"Mani go home" King said again

I walked past King and walked towards Caine he met me half way looking me up and down ..

"What's up"

"I need to talk to you !!"

"Now ain't the time Mani" he said looking back

"Caine no !! I barely fuckin see you as is .. what the fuck ?! You gonna either listen to me now or let me the fuck go !!" I yelled

Caine sighed in frustration looking past me .. "E'mani look .. I'm sorry aight .. the girl that's on her way over here right now is my wife !! Those are my two kids Daniel & Mila .. I'll explain everything later !! Im sorry !!"

I frowned up positive he was playing with me .. but when the girl walked over to him and kissed his lips it confirmed everything ..

"Kim this E'mani, E'mani this Kim" he said

I froze .. my mouth was open as I stared at Caine in pure disbelief ..

Kim held her hand out to me "Nice to meet you .." she smiled at me as I glanced down at her hand that held a fat ass diamond wedding ring .. I bit my lip as I shook her hand then walked away ..

"E'mani !!" Caine yelled following behind me

I turned around and punched him in his mouth as hard as I could .. He stared at me then watched as I walked away .. King wasnt far away watching the whole thing .. I got in my truck then drove off ..

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