-Chapter 10-

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I walked as fast as I could through the hospital to find my moms room .. Caine & Nicolla weren't far behind me trying to keep up as best as they could .. I hadn't seen my mom in a total of 6 months, the last time I had seen her was all by accident .. I was in my old neighborhood picking up some transcripts for school and ran into her outside of a local corner store begging for money !! I barely recognized her, her clothes were too big, dirty, & ragged !! Her once long pretty black hair was short, dirty, and damaged .. What hurt the most though was that she barely even recognized me .. her only child .. she barely even recognized .. She laid in the bed highly sedated staring into the cieling as I stared at her ..

"She's going to be ok but .. when she gets better we need to know what do you want us to do ? Let her go .. or rehab ?" The doctor asked snapping me out of my trance

I sighed closing my eyes already knowing the struggle of trying to keep my mom in a rehab ..

"I've lost track of how many times she has escaped from rehab" I said with my eyes still closed

"If she doesn't make a change soon she will die !! Without rehab she stands no chance .. she got lucky this time .." she said staring down at my mom. .

"Do whatever you think is best .. " I didn't know what else to tell her .. Only God knows how many times I tried to help my mom .. she just wasn't having it ..

The doctor walked out of the room as I plopped down into a seat next to her bed ..

"You alright E ?" Nicolla asked walking over to my side

"I'm good, It's nothing new" I answered still staring at my mom

"Ion mean to rush you ma, but don't forget we got somewhere to be" Caine said finally speaking up ..

I almost forgot he was in the room he was so quiet ..

"Yeah, I forgot" I said standing up "Let me just go give my contact information to the nurse and I'll be out" I glanced at my mom one last time before walking out

Caine walked out to the car as Nicolla walked with me to the nurses station ..

"What's up with him?" Nicolla asked one Caine hit the corner

"What you mean?"

"You just found out your mom almost died, & the only thing he can think about is getting you on a pole !!" Nicolla blurted out all in one sentence while rolling her neck ..

"He's been busy with the club and stuff so much he's a little moody" I replied

"Moody my ass, he needs to show some empathy .." she answered back with attitude

"Says his number one fan .." I said giggling

Nicolla laughed fanning me off "Girl, I don't care who you is !! I don't play bout my Mani .."

"Aww thanks babe .. but I'm fine"

"Just checkin" she said grabbing my hand

I gave the nurse all of my information before leaving .. I hopped into the front seat of Caines black challenger after Nicolla climbed into the back and we headed to KOD .. Caine was throwing a private party there for some of his investors to put clubs in different city's .. It was packed just like any other night but the VIP was where I would be the majority of the night .. The second level was full of niggas in business suits sipping on Brandy, ready to see some beautiful young meat twirl around the pole a couple times and feed them dreams .. I smirked as I made my way into the backroom to get dressed .. My hot pink two piece fitted me perfectly, just as I was strapping up my hot pink Jimmy Choos my phone went off .. My heart sank when I seen it was the hospital and I quickly answered ..

"Ms.Jones" I heard a women's voice come across the phone

"Yes, this is she"

"You may want to get back down here, your mom is having non-stop seizures .. honestly it's not looking too good" she said laying the truth out in the open .. I sighed and looked around to see Nicolla staring in my face ..

"I'm on my way" I answered as I hung up

"What's wrong ?" Nicolla asked as I pulled my hoody on

"My ma, they said it's not lookin too good" My voice trembled as I spoke .. My stomach was in knots .. as bad of a mother my mom had been .. I wasn't ready for her to die .. Caine walked in just as I pulled up my sweats staring me up and down

"I'm sorry, but I gotta go .. my mom is takin a turn for the worse.. Nicolla can handle it or find somebody to take my place" I grabbed my bag and headed for the door until Caine grabbed my hand ..

"Nicolla, give us a second .." he said to Nicolla .. she got her phone and walked out closing the door behind her ..

"What's up .. I gotta go" I said anxiously

"E'mani them niggas out there want to see you not Nicolla !!"

"Caine my mom is dying !! What you want me to do ?" I asked throwing my hands in the air

"Take this shit off & go out on that damn stage .. you ain't about to have me lookin bad out there !!"

"You won't look bad .. Nic knows what she's doin" I said as I turned to head to the door but Caine stopped me again

"E'mani you ain't understandin me right now .. You ain't fuckin leavin !!"

I crossed my arms across my chest as I stared at him wondering who the fuck he thought he was talkin to ..

"No, you not understanding me !! You dont tell me what I can and cant do !!" I said stepping to his face

"Im not gone argue with you and I'm not gone tell you but one more fuckin time .. get dressed E'mani !!" He said sternly turning red in the face ..

I rolled my eyes at him before walking away to open the door but he pushed it back closed grabbing me by my arm and pushing me into the wall.. I slapped the hell out of him right before he pushed me into the wall holding me by my neck with both hands .. I clawed and scratched at his hand trying my best to get him off of me as he pushed me into the wall over and over again as hard as he could !! It didn't end when he let me go either .. He smacked me across my face and eye making it instantly swell .. Nicolla must've heard the commotion and my hollering because not long after she was banging on the locked door .. but that didn't stop Caine, he moved so fast I couldn't even fight back .. I laid on the floor crying with Caine staring down at me out of breath ..

"Put some make up over that shit and get out there .. it'll be allot worse if I have to come back in here .." he huffed walking away ..


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