Macy has moved to Arizona to start a new life with her abusive father and alcoholic mother. When she meets Brandon Rowland they becomes best friends then he introduce her to Mario Selman,Weston koury,Jacob sartouris,Blake gray, and the rest of the g...
I was making a in my bed room and I was finished so I went and took a shower then went in my closet.(pic up above.) I heard my parents screaming at each other. I grabbed a crop top with a skater skirt ⬇️
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Then I grabbed my long board
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I ran down the stairs and out the door when I hit the pavement I went to California's pier. It was very quite. I walked down to the ocean and sat down and thought about how my mom used to be nice and loving then she meet my father and he changed her. And now I get beat every week or so I'm just the girl that's famous on the Internet and that's it I'm not known in this small town. I was walking home because the walking dead was on at 7 on Amc 😍. She. I got home I heard my parents in there bedroom 😷. I turned in the tv and grabbed my walking dead blanket and went on my YouTube and saw how many comments say to react to Mario Selmans Musical.lys so I go and grab my camera and tripod then sit down. " hey my angels its Macy Mac here and today we are going to react to 😊Mario Selman I don't know him but he seems chill so here we go." I start watching his videos And then stopped it " he chooses good songs and his hand movements with the camera are good and he his hawwt. " 😍 then I laughed "Well buckaroos walking dead is on so bye see you guys next week kissis." Then I ended the video and edited it and uploaded I feel asleep after the show ended let just say wrong choose. Someone hit me and I feel to the floor and ran I ended up in my room with my door locked and my looking out the window it was about. 4 In the after noon and I saw a moving truck pull in a crossed the arrest and a 3boys jump out with there mother well behind them. I grabbed my penny board and snuck down stairs and out the door.
I see the boy making a reaction video and I don't know what the boy was reacting to. I got close so I could hear. " hey guys and its your boy Brandon Rowland and today I'm going to be reacting to Macy Mac Reacting to my man Mario Selmans Musical.lys I heard she can be. Little scary she's a lot like Ricgum so she roast people and stuff so I might get roasted I have never watched her before so I might be wrong g lets goooo.!" I watched it and after he talked.
"Not to be rude it's just that she really isn't that good I don't get why she's even famous to begin with I mean she's just another reaction channel there all so boring. She just dose this for atention ." and he rolled his eyes 🙄
I popped out "hey that's not nice you don't even no me and I'm famous because people like me unlike so people I know that are just snobby little brats and I'm sorry you don't like me but you don't have to go around talking crap when you have just the same amount of stupid idiot rude selfish monkey looking ignorant Pug Face!" 😡😥 a tear rolled down my check I got the whole thing on video to. I walked away and went to my front door but it opened and my dad yelled and punched me " you stupid whore you snuck out again!" He punched my again I. The stomach and shoved me over the falling and I feel to the ground and twisted my wrist I yelped in pain and looked up to see Brandon looking at me with pear terror In His eyes and I shook my head and got up and climbed on the garbed and hopped on the tall fence in the front and climbed on the rufe all the way to my window that I keep open. I grabbed so neon pink Nike shorts and a Black Tanktop and. Black hoody and my black nike air shoes and then grabbed my wrist brace and put it on and climes out my window. I always do this I have a black long board that I always tucked under a bush I heard my phone buzz Brandon posted that reaction video because all he did was hate when I complemented him I started skating and then I hit someone and feel and cut my knee open "ahh oww." I sat up and clutched my knee " omg I'm so sorry here let me see." IT WAS Brandon 😫 " why would you want to help me just a fricking girl that's famous because she wants attention!" "Look I'm sorry." I got up and he saw that I was bleeding and picked me up I didn't protest because I didn't feel good and I was light headed From the impact and when my father hit me. Brandon brought me inside his house and into his room and got band ads and stuff like that. He cleaned my knee then looked at my face and exams it. "Your parents do this to you don't they." "Well. Yes they do it all the time I don't really care I can't feel it anymore it like my body went numb and ya the only this that makes me happy are my Supporters they make me feel alive."😢 "I'm sorry for saying those thing about you." He hugged me and I cried he Laid me down and I feel asleep on his shoulder. When I woke up I just snuggled into my pillow more then I remembered I was at Brandon's and we fell asleep me on him I sat up but he pulled me down. "Brandonnn wake upppp." "What?" He said sleepily "Eww your touching meeee." He then feel off the bed and I laugh and got up and checked my phone 3:00 pm oh shuzzz me guns my parents are going to kill me I thought "Why are they going to kill you Macy." Brandon asked "Cause I'm not at home getting them what they please and crap I'm going to get I trouble and get double blasting." I ran home and climbed to my window yes it's a big house and I'm a bad girl get over it!
My parents were yelling my name then my father came in and......
😢 sorry about the cliffhanger but I leave you Always wanting more 😘 love you my angles ✌🏻️ (words 1107)