Chapter 1 - The Call

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This is a sequel to my first kakaobi fanfic. It was a one shot lemon. If you proceed to this story I highly suggest you read my first one because you wouldn't understand this as much. Furthermore, this story will be very long, gay sex here and there (well of course), and it will also be very emotional and dramatic! Without further due ladies and gentlemen...My favorite pairing with Obito, Same Old Antics chapter 1 starts right now. (Just scroll down) ;) and try not to squeel or cry in the feels of Kakaobi :'3


"Hey Kakashi sensei!" Two voice's called out as the white haired man walked with one hand in his pocket, the other holding a book. "Hmmm..?" He cooed as he turned to the familiar voices. It was Naruto and Sakura waving. Kakashi felt somewhat relieved at the sight of his students. Sai stood silent with a fake smile waving. "Oh..Hey guys..." Kakashi spoke. His voice weak and unenthusiastic as the usual but inside he was more than pleased. "We're about to dine in right now! Wanna come?" Sakura called. "It's not ramen this time!" Naruto chuckled as he called back. "You won't be paying uuuuppp!" Sakura added, trying to convince him. Sai stood staring at the two and how they communicate. Grabbing a little notebook and jotting down notes. "Shikamaru, Choji and Ino are waiting at the resturant! And don't worry I told Choji to not eat up all the money!" Naruto laughed. Kakashi rose a hand in the air, "Sorry guys. I've got to do something. Uuhhh...have fun!" He spoke and then turned around waving back. "Psshhh..what a lamo." Sakura grunted crossing her arms. Sai stared back and then jotted another note, 'name calling from new encounters with people'. "Well...uhhh more food for us!" Naruto cheered and held Sakuras hand, raising it with him. "Yeah!" Sakura cheered and ran off with him. Sai kept his pencil and notebook in hand, running after them, "Wait for me...!" He softly called.


"Well....Kakashi! I leave the rest to you-aaahahhahah...!" Might Gai roars with his annoying laughter. Kakashi pastes a weak, but irritated smile with a pathetic giggle, "All...righty then. I hope Lee gets on it with his new jutsu...just don't over do it." He itched his white hair. Gai chuckled even more and sprints off, "Oh we'll see the jutsu my student can manage compared to yours alright..!" He barked as he ran. "I...didnt...Mean it- well...he always wants a competition with me I guess..." Kakashi sighed and held the papers in his hands as he walked down the hall of the hokage building. Tsunade stormed out of the room, she appeared to be in great hury. Sprinting as Shizune stood by the door helplessly calling her name. "My lady...!" "I don't want to hear it!" The 5th hokage stammered but froze and gasped as she saw Kakashi. "Hmm..?" Kakashi cooed. "Great! You're here! Just in time! You still haven't reported back to me of your encounter with our old leaf hero Obito! He is still alive?! Yeah? Did you see him at all Kakashi?!" She barked at him. Kakashi held both hands in the air motioning them to calm her down. "Can we...Speak in the room...?" He asked softly, holding in a chuckle. Tsunade slightly blushed then looked away, embaressed by her over reaction. "Sure..." She sighed and smiled bright with her red lips.

"I was just about to do an errand for Gai. But I think I have time to talk to you about that." Kakashi spoke as he walked down the hall. "Still hoping you have enough time to read those books eh? Well...either way you need to tell me about this man. Hero of the leaf, we still need to know his intentions now." She replied. Kakashi only looked down at his feet feeling almost ill-humored. He began to recall the old times back before the third ninja war. The days containing simple things like how that name would flow out of his mouth calling and the young Uchiha would glance at him. It's moments like those where you wish you could cherish the littlest things that come so natural in this life. It seems like ages cause Kakashi would say his name all the time but that presence was nowhere in the world. The grave was all he could see as he tries to imagine the boy Shifting his eyes to him, listening to what he had to say.

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