Chapter 18 - Sweet Misery

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The next 2 weeks passed by slowly, but each day Kakashi would call Obito and ask how's he's doing. Kakashi spent the days lonely and praying for his lover. He informed his teammates that Obito went to a doctor cause he's been really sick. Asuma paused and recalled the last time he saw him, 'I knew something was up...' He thought. Still, they all managed to free Kakashi of his worries and hang out with him. But it would all come crashing down when he arrived at home. "God...I sure hope you're ok..." He muttered as he made it to the stairwell.

The day of Obitos birth was the day he actually felt happy without hearing his lovers voice on the phone. He lyed smiling to himself and rubbing his stomach. "Oh Kakashi...I hope you're okay with this..." He prayed with eyes shut. Kabuto walked in with the needles and such on the strolling table, "First we'll numb you...So give me you're arm." Obito felt the shot seep through and chuckled, "Watch it just kick right out of my stomach." He joked. Kabuto smirked, "Oh dont worry. Actually, your baby has been behaving since you've arrived here. The pills did work very well like I guessed." His words kept rolling on and Obito could hear only his voice, losing himself as he couldn't figure the rest of the words he fell asleep. Kabuto began his procedures.

Kakashi walked down the Konaha streets in the evening. The skies were dark blue and pink. It was beautiful. He thought about Obito, "Obito...I miss you so much..." He muttered as he turned to the bench where they once were. He sat down and glanced to his left where he used to sit beside him. He shut his eyes and tried to enclose his memories that pierced his soul deeply. "I won't give up on faith..." He mumbled.

"Good, you're awake..." Kabuto walked just in time. Obito opened his eyes slowly then shot up quickly, "Where is he..?!" He cried out. "Ssshhhh...You did very well. I removed the baby from cutting you open. The baby is sleeping in the other room, I'll get you dressed now." And left. Obitos eyes began dripping with happy tears. He lifted his shirt to see the bump was completely gone. He lyed back down sighing in relief as he quietly sobbed covering his face. "Kakashi...Please accept this.." His mind spoke. Kabuto handed him a black gown, "It's the only thing we have. Now come with me, I'll take you to your child..." He spoke. Obito got up completely nude but his briefs. He took the gown and slipped it through his gown, wiping his tears. "Oh dont worry. Your baby his healthy. A weight of 5 and a half lbs. And functioning properly. I gave him hearing tests and vision tests." He spoke as they walked nextdoor. Obitos eyes blinked as he noticed the beautiful pink blanket wrapping the baby who slept on the bed. Obito smirked big, "Holy fuuuuckkk.." He walked over to see the baby. His face softened, "Aweeeee...Oh my-" He stumbled as he carried the baby in his arms. His overwhelment yet relief was escalating. The baby was warm and quiet, sleeping peacefully with eyes shut. Kabuto left him to his moment. Obito felt like melting on the floor beneath him. Oh how much he died for this moment. The baby had soft white hair just like Kakashis he observed which made him cry harder with joy and amusement. "Oh baby! What am I going to name you...?" He giggled as he cried. Holding the baby's face to his scarred cheek he shut his eyes. The baby opened its eyes, they were dark and big. Like his when he was younger. Obito stared at the baby in awe through its eyes, "Hey baby it's daddyyyyyy." He teased with a finger on its big pink lips. The baby began to cry, not knowing this stranger. Obito felt so happy holding it, "Ohhhh...babyyyy..." He slowly shifted left and right patting the babies back. He sat down on the bed and lyed down leaving the baby lying on his chest, he held it and sobbed. "You look just like Kakashi dammit...only eyes just like mine.." He held it tighter. The baby sobbed quietly, slowly adjusting to his dad's presence. Obito rose the baby high, "Weeeeee...!" He played. The baby stared with wide eyes and when he was slowly lifted down and back up in the air he began to giggle. Obito felt so fluttered and happy at this point, hearing his baby's laughter made him so excited. Obito held the baby close staring into its eyes, "Wwwwoooowwww. " He spoke in a childish manner, the baby giggled more. Obito was so pleased to make the baby love him. "Want me say it again..? Wwooowwwww...!" He further played. He held the boys tiny hand to his lips, "Muuwaaaahhhh." He played. The baby tried copying him, "Maaaaaa...!" He cheered back. Obito chuckled, "Soon I'm going to teach you how to cuss and flick people off." He joked. "You so cute!!!" Obito squeeled. He sighed and got off the bed holding the baby on his side with one arm behind its body. "It's darrrrkkkk..." He muttered in a high pitched voice. "I'm going to start sounding like this for awhile now.." He chuckled. It was silent as he walked down the halls with the baby. He felt so at peace carrying his boy as they walked. "This is so cool!" Obito cheered in a funny voice looking at the boy, the baby giggled. Obito turned to the corner, "Where are we going babyyyyy? Huh? You knooowwww." He teased as he glanced around. "Daaaaakkk..!" It blurted out. Obito chuckled his raspy laugh, "Yessssss it's dark..!"

"Oi Kabuto when do I take my sweet stuff home?" He called as he glanced down where the sound ninja was doing another experiment. "Sweet stuff as in...?" Kabuto replied. "My baby..!" He blurted back. "Ohhhhh" Kabuto turned around to walk over and see the baby. "He looks very healthy. Is that his name? Sweet stuff Obito...?" He placed his hands on his hips. Obito smirked and glanced over his side to the baby, "Mmmm...Maybe hahahah. I don't know his name, me and Kakashi will figure his name." He smiled and pinched it's cheeks, "Oooo baby we gonna give you a special naaaammmeee." He teased. Kabuto sighed looking away, "What if Kakashi doesn't accept this. He has been calling you and asking if they found out what was wrong and you told him they're still figuring it out. Then you come home with a baby. Don't expect a friendly welcoming for the child." He replied as he rubbed his glasses with a cloth. "Oh be quiet." Was all Obito said. He glanced at the floor and knew just how much his worries piled high. "Hpmh. If you need a home for him and yourself if something does go wrong. Here is the safest place. It's good to plan early for bad situations." Kabuto crossed his arms. "Kabuto. Thank you." Obito muttered as he pouted his lips to the baby, "Wave to Kabutoooooo." He teased. Kabuto snickered, "Don't play around." He turned around and continued his work. Obito smirked and turned away from the baby shouting at Kabuto, "You still haven't answered my question!" "Anytime you like I guess." Kabuto replied. "You wanna go home baby? See your other daddyyyyy?" He played. The baby smiled in amusement, then ran it's hands over Obitos head, touching his black hair, "Yeah? I think it's time we go home to daddy number 2." He giggled. "You're next checkup is in a week from today." Kabuto called. Obito turned around, "Alright." And walked down with the baby in his arms. "Where did my clothes go?" He spoke to himself. "Did you eat daddy's clothes??" He teased. The baby stared from the ground and back at him innocently. Obito smirked, "He doesn't even know hahahahahah..." He chuckled.

"There they areeeeee...Look we found daddy's clothes...!" He teased and waved the baby's hand. He placed the baby on the floor, "Nowhere to sit but the ground I guess." He muttered as he lowered the baby to the floor. The baby cried. "Aweeeee you want daddy's arms???" He chuckled. He picked up the boy again comforting him as the baby quickly stopped crying and dug his face to his chest. Obito shut his eyes, patting it's back, "Daddy needs to change clothes." He spoke childishly. He knew he couldn't so he dug in his pant pockets on the table and found his wallet. "Look what you can have...?!" He gasped in a playful manner. "Wowwww..!" He placed the baby down as it stared at its wallet. "You can do whatever you want. I just need to change my clothes at least hahahahha." He chuckled as he slid the gown off. Watching the baby flick it in the air, his eyes widened as it opened, it giggled and waved it to Obito in amusement. Obito placed his goggles back on, "Yaaaaaa...! It opened...!" He played. "Alright baby." He picked it up again and placed him on the side of his waist again, walking down the hall. "Just wait till I spoil you with the powers of this wallet." He chuckled. Obito sighed as he arrived to the opening, leaving out the backside of the cave. "Wowwww...! It looks so pretty outside..!" He cheered with the baby as he glanced at the pink and dark blue skies. He pointed at the pink sky, "Pink!" He sounded the word and glanced at the baby, "Piiiii!" He blurted back. Obito smirked, "Blue!" He pointed at the dark blue color. The baby only stared for a moment then shouted, "Blue!!!" Really loudly. Obito held it tighter looking around the dark forest smirking with amusement. He walked down the dirt road trying to sound his name to the boy, "Say Oooooo-Biiiiiii-Tooooo." "Obiiiiiiooooo!" The baby tried. Obito laughed loudly. They continued their walk in beautiful peace, "Look that's a squirrel..." He pointed in a funny voice. The baby blinked and stared. Obito stared at the animal then back at the boy, watching his dark, wide eyes he couldn't wait till he grew to a toddler, then became 5 and attending the academy. But something else struck the older Uchiha in awe, staring at the baby he could picture it coming home from the academy barking loud like him about becoming hokage.

And hold on...
Don't let me go,
From this sweet...misery.....that I know.

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