Chapter 8 - Confess

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The morning after Obito woke up with a kiss on his forehead. "Kakashi...?" He groaned as he woke. Kakashi softly smiled. It was so motherly and endearing. Sincere. He placed his gloved hand through Obitos black hair, "Obito. I'm headed to the Hokage and report to her. Stay in bed as you please. I'm coming back in an hour so if you get hungry you may cook yourself anything you like." Kakashi softly spoke. Obito innocently smiled as he turned his face, "Mmm yeah..." He moaned. Kakashi tapped his scarred cheek and then went for the door quietly.

The thought of Obito left in his bed sleeping made him tremble in amusement. In fact, Obito drenched the bed in the scent of his unique cologne. Kakashi felt so happy. Obito was living with him and is finally back and part of the village. He looked up at the early pink morning sky, still slightly dark at 5 in the morning. Kakashis eyes wandered to a glowing star up ahead in the dark blue canvas. "Rin...Do you see...?" His mind spoke.

Obito turned to his side facing Kakashis empty side where he laid. He extended an arm across the bed, as if reaching and feeling the man. "Mmmm..." He groaned and blushed softly. He was madly inlove with that white haired man. Obito felt somewhat embaressed at the thought. He had no idea his relationship with his once rival would grow out like this in the future. Obito still felt Kakashis arms around his waist from last night's embrace. Obito missed the kisses and words they shared beneath the blankets. So innocent, pure, and passionate. The giggles they shared. "Thank you Kakashi..." Obito softly spoke as he heard the birds chirping from outside the open window, letting in the mornings smooth breeze. Obito smiled big and dug beneath the covers.

"My lady...?" Kakashi knocked on Tsunades door. "Come in...!" Shizune called back. "Thank you..." Kakashi spoke as he opened the door. Tsunade and Shizune were slightly surprised at this. Kakashi usually never meets with them unless there's a mission. "Kakashi...! Good morning. What is it..? It's not casual for you to come by. I haven't informed you. This must be something else...?" Tsunade spoke. Kakashi softly chuckled then sighed. "My lady...I have something very important to inform you." He began, The blonde woman stared with piercing eyes, "Obito Uchiha is coming back as a leaf protector." He confessed with pride. Tsunades eyes widened, Shizune gasped and turned to face her. "What you mean...?!" Shizune asked. Kakashi turned to face her, "Obito...Has spoken out to me that he wants to come back. He knows this is his home. This is where he belongs. He's tired of wandering the world not knowing what to do with his life because of our teammate Rin whom he loved...died...We talked...And his true intentions are pure and clean. We cried together. Laughed together. Obito wants to be back as Obito Uchiha. So please...without further reasoning...We must welcome him back home...!" Kakashi spoke out with honor and clenched his fists. Tsunade slightly shocked got up from her seat and looked out the window staring at the morning pink sky. She sighed. Kakashi swallowed his nerves. Shizune blinked in worry. "Aahhh...The will of fire...Grandfather...Your teachings live to the fullest even in these younger generations...Those who strayed come back to the roots of your teachings..." She softly spoke. Kakashis eyes slightly widened. "This is amazing news Kakashi...So...I'm sure you two figured a plan...?" She asked and turned to face the copy nin. "Yes my lady. We decided that I will inform the jonin first and their students. Then we will schedule a day for Obitos official arrival to the village." He replied. "Where does he live right now..?" She asked in concern. "With me for now..." Kakashi answered. "Very well then. I'm impressed you two planned ahead." She sighed. "My lady...Obito and I were psyched up. I mean.." He sighed, "This is a dream come true..." Tsunade smiled softly at that. "So no one will see him till the reunion. We'll give the Jonin of his generation a heads up?" She asked. "Exactly." Kakashi nodded. Tsunade smiled big. "I'm excited...A hero of the vilage who turned out to still be alive after the third war...After all this time..Im sure no one of the jonins will take this lightly." She chuckled. Shizune softly giggled. "Yeah. We just burst in tears." Kakashi added. Tsunade shut her eyes and picked up her drink for a sip. "Very well then. When should you and me inform the others?" She asked. "Later today will be fine. Are none of the jonin in any kind of mission?" Kakashi asked. "No. But Gai we'll need to be called over cause he's know kicking Lee's butt with their training" She giggled. Kakashi weakly chuckled and itched his hair. "Hehehehe..."

"Well. I thank you for this! I'm so excited! A new asset to our jonin!? Ah! Can't wait!" Tsunade clapped. "And he's an Uchiha!? Finally our only Uchiha Jonin!" Shizune added. Kakashi and Tsunades face lit up. "We'll have a big celebration to welcome him!" Tsunade nodded. "Wow...! He's gonna be so overwhelmed hahahahah!!" Kakashi laughed. "Like my granddaddy used to say: 'The more embaressed you are the better!'" Tsunade winked and laughed loudly like Hashirama. Shizune blushed, "Ehehehe! My lady..." and itched her hair. "You got it Kakashi! Keep him unseen! It's a must!" Tsunade roared with a fist in the air. Kakashi weakly smiled in embaressement. Tsunade was just like her grandfather Hashirama. "Yes my lady. Have a good morning." He bowed and left for the door.

Kakashi walked down the early morning streets. Barely anyone was around. Shops were just opening, while others were still closed. Kakashi blinked as he saw Obito from afar walking down the street with a black tank top and black pants. So fluttered at his beauty from far, Kakashi gasped in fear. "Obito...!" He hissed and sprinted to him, grabbing him to a dark alley. Obito gasped. "Kakashi...!" "Obito! You're not supposed to go outside at all for now until the day of the celebration!" Kakashi hissed at him with and hand over the black haired man's mouth. Obito blinked innocently, pulled away to breathe. "Damn...I thought no one...I mean barely anyone is around 'Kashi...?" He muttered. "No!" Kakashi hissed at him in excitement. Obitos eyes shocked in amusement, he smirked and shut his eyes. "Well...Let's go home then" He chuckled. His raspy voice weak and soft in the morning. Kakashi melted at his everything. His morning face still sleepy, his messy black short hair, the light tan skin of his body, his round shoulders and perky triceps and biceps of his arms that his black tank revealed. The peiricing mismatched purple and black eyes. The scars only complimenting his personality. Kakashi couldn't help but glomp on him. "Aah..! 'Kashi!" Obito gasped. "Let's go home and eat Obito..!" Kakashi quietly cheered and held his face, squeezing his cheeks together. Obito blinked then glared, "Sure.." He grunted.

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