A Casual Hello

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April 26, 2016 10:42 PM

Hi lovely readers,

I just now came back and logged in to my long abandoned Wattpad account. I cannot believe how many people have read and loved this story! 

As I brushed off the cobwebs and began to read into my eighth grade mind (yes I was an eighth grader when I wrote this saga), I realized how much my life has changed. I am now a sophomore in high school and am very close to the age of Cara Evans as she begins her junior year.

I cringed and laughed at the things I said throughout this book, but I also realized that I miss writing. It is my element, and although I have dragged through all sorts of pre-AP science courses, writing makes me very happy.

Needless to say, I am going to write a sequel to this book at some point. I want to tell people what high school guys are really like (not like in this book at all fyi) and break some precedents that other authors have set on this site. It might not be until the end of the summer, but I truly do wish to finish the story of these wonderful characters. 

Also, I have plenty of other storylines that I want to flesh out for you, but in the meantime, I wanted to offer a casual hello and thank you for your support.



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