Chapter 4

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After a long day, Connor found me by the tree. His brown hair was messed up by the wind, and he looked pretty cute.

“Hey Cara,” he said walking towards me.

I couldn’t help be a bit amazed that he actually remembered and knew my name. We walked over to his car.

“I saw the way you looked at me, Evans,” he said, smiling.

     We arrived back at my house to a sight that I will never forget. My house was on fire. It was completely overtaken by flames, and the huge black smoke was very intimidating.

“Cara!” Connor exclaimed.

    I  got out of his car and ran towards my burning home. The air smelled of smoke and burning memories. The smoke was so black that we could barely see through it. My mom was standing with my dad by the flames. Connor ran up behind me and put his hand on my shoulder.   Seeing us,  my mom and dad ran towards me.

“Cara,” they said.

    Connor and I shared a look of horror and sadness as we watched the flames roar. My eyes started to tear up, but in the midst of everything,  my Mom gave me the look to introduce Connor.

“Mom, Dad. This is Connor Andrews.”

“Hello sir.”


Connor acted like a gentleman, conducted himself well by asking, “What can I do to help you?”

“I’m afraid there is nothing any of us can do,” my mom whispered.

“Cara, nothing can be saved,” my dad said with great sadness in his eyes.

    Connor stood beside me. He put his arm around me and tried to reassure me it would be okay. My heart melted at the sight of my burning house and burning memories. After the firemen subdued the fire, my mom looked back up at Connor.

“Connor, why don’t you go home?” my mom said, patting his shoulder.

“I’ll text you later,” Connor hugged me and walked back to his car.

    My mom and dad both had tears in their eyes.

“Honey, we’re going to stay at the Winstead’s until we can purchase another house.” my mom said.

    The name Winstead sounded ever so familiar. I couldn’t pinpoint it through the fog of swirling emotions. The Fire Chief instructed us to leave the premises. My mom, dad, and I walked towards my dad’s silver Mercedes. My eyes burned with tears as we rode over to the Winstead’s. We arrived at the Winstead mansion shortly after, but I wasn’t in the mood to interact with people, so I stayed quiet.

“I’m so sorry,” Mr. Winstead said as he made his way over to us.

“Stay with us for as long as you like,” Mrs. Winstead echoed.

    I couldn’t hear them through my pain. It was only when a familiar face ran down the stairs, I started to realize who the Winsteads really were.

“This is Blake. Do you know each other?” Mrs. Winstead asked.

“Yes, we do,” I said.

“Oh good,” she said.

    Our parents walked inside, and Blake looked at me. His golden hair was shining in the light.

“Cara, I’m seriously so sorry,” he said, hugging me.

“Thanks Blake,” I said.

    With his hug, the dam of emotions broke and I started crying, and he just kept hugging me. When my tears seem to end, I pulled away and began wiping my wet cheeks.

“Come on,” he said.

He took my hand and we walked up the stairs.

“Hey, Blake. Show her to the guest room?” his mom called out.

“Of course,” he said.

His house was a mansion, and I’m not exaggerating when I say mansion.

When we finally reached my room, I sat my phone down on the bedside table. Blake smiled and looked around the room.

“This is beautiful,” I said.

“Hey, well, if you need anything.. I’m across the hallway,” he said.


I sat down on the bed, and I began to think. I began to think about everything, but it was far too much to comprehend.   I decided I needed to sleep. Yes, I needed to escape into sleep.

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