Chapter 15

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A few days later, I was talking to Bridget when she got a weird look on her face. I still wasn’t sure if I believed Sky, so I just kind of acted normal. Sky was well,  Sky, so I wasn’t sure if I wanted to believe her heroic tale.

“Cara, I have to tell you something,” she smiled at Brooklyn and walked with me down the hallway.

“Alright, what is it?” I asked her.

“Look, I saw Connor kissing some girl the other night. We were out to dinner, and he was making out with this blonde girl who Brooklyn said was from Roseville High,” she said.

I suddenly got very dizzy. A different kind of dizzy.


Not My Connor.


I felt like I was going to fall over, and I almost did for that matter. The whole world stopped in front of my eyes, and I suddenly felt like I was going to throw up.

“Cara. Are you okay?” she asked with a sorrowful face.

“Bridget, are you sure it was him?” I asked her, nervousness in my tone.


She had to say no.


“Yeah. Sorry, Cara. I just felt it was my duty to tell you as your friend,” she said, putting her hand over her feigning heart.

“Thanks for telling me,” I said.

Was I really thankful she told me? I wasn’t sure.


Connor didn’t even like blondes. Maybe that was a lie, too.


    The rest of the day I felt sick to my stomach. I simply couldn’t look at him.

All the time we had spent together, all the times he told me he loved me, and all the times he told me he “wasn’t one of those guys.”

     I ignored his texts, and I got in my car and drove home alone at the end of the day. I guess I just couldn’t accept he had cheated on me. It seemed like the longest ride of my life.  Sophie, my red Mercedes, seemed to cry with me as I rode home in the rain. Even the day conveyed my emotions, it was dark and desolate with rain and thunder. I got out of my car and locked it behind me. I made my death walk through the front door and up the steps to my room.

“Cara, honey, are you okay?” my mom called up the stairs as my tears fell from my eyes

“It’s fine, I’m fine,” I said trying to sound normal so she wouldn’t come to investigate.

I shut my door and looked at my picture wall. I took down the pictures of us, and I then sat down on my bed and allowed myself to cry and cry and cry.


I guess he was just playing me.  Was it all a lie?


    The next day at school he tried to talk to me.  I just couldn’t look into those perfect brown eyes and call them innocent anymore. I avoided Connor. It’s like his playfulness and innocence had vanished. He had changed. No, he was just never what I thought him to be.   And who did he think he was cheating on the only girl who actually cared about him?!

    Many days went by, and finally I decided I had the strength to confront him. My stomach felt as though it was going to explode as I walked towards his black BMW.

“Connor,” I said, my voice quivering with nervousness. He was walking to his car when I called his name.

“I’ve been waiting to talk to you. What’s wrong beautiful?” he asked playfully.

“Connor, I can’t believe you cheated on me. I trusted you, and I really liked you. I can’t date a cheater. We’re over,” I said, getting the information out as quickly and nicely to him as I could.

“What?” he called after me as I ran  across the parking lot. Honestly, I couldn’t be lied to again. I wiped my tears from my eyes.


We were over.


    Connor’s face had said it all. He had cheated, and he was shocked I found out about it. Were his friends the same way? Were they all liars? I was so naive falling victim to their trashy games, but I thought Connor really loved me. Well, that was what he once said, but I guess he didn’t keep promises for long.

    I couldn’t really remember what had happened that week.  It was all a blur. I couldn’t  eat and I was  exhausted. At soccer practice, I wasn’t the same. That voice in my head telling me I made a mistake and I wasn’t good enough for Conner was louder than the yells of my coach. Connor constantly tried to talk to me or text me, but I couldn’t face him. I decided to call in my last reinforcements.

“Hello?” I heard on the other side of the call.

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