Chapter 12

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   Connor grabbed my backpack, and we walked out of the school building.

He, for some reason, felt the need to do everything for me.


He makes me feel special.


“Come to a movie with me tonight?” he asked.

“Please...” he pleaded.

“Sure. That would be really fun,” I said to him.

“I’ll pick you up at 7,” he said.

I smiled back at him as I turned my car on. I drove out of the parking lot towards my house. Happy and grinning.  

    When I arrived at my house, my mom and dad were talking at the desk as my Mom paid some bills on the computer.

“Hey, Cara. How was your day kiddo?” my dad asked as I passed by them.

“It was okay,” I said, remembering the drama of the day.

“Are you up to anything tonight?” my mom asked.

“I meant to ask you, can I go to a movie with Connor later?” I asked them.

“Sure,” my mom said trying to hide her smile.

I ignored her feeble attempt to make light of my date and ran up the stairs. I got dressed into some jean shorts and a beaded tank top. I straightened my hair down a little, and then I applied a fresh coat of NYX’s Creme Brûlée lip gloss. Soon I went down the stairs to see Connor talking with my parents. They were probably interrogating him.

“Hi, Cara,” he said.

“Hey, Connor,” I said.

“I’ll have her back by ten, Mr. Evans,” he said as we walked down the stairs of my house.

“They really like you, Connor,” I said.

“I’m okay with that,” he smiled.

    We arrived at the movie theater, and we were really excited to see the movie. It was what happened after that was shocking.

“That was really good,” I said.

“Yeah, but you made it better,” Connor said.

I blushed. When we walked towards Connor’s car, we noticed some kind of crazy party was going on the parking lot.

“What?” I asked.

Connor looked confused.

“Is that Blake?” I pointed to the blonde haired guy drinking something out of red Solo cup.

“Let’s go over there. He looks really bad,” I said.

“Cara. I—” Connor followed behind me.

“Oh look, it’s golden boy and his perfect girlfriend. What are you two fools doing here?” Blake sneered.

“Blake!”  I gasped, shocked by his vicious words.  “What are you drinking?”

“Want some?” he asked.

I smelled the cup and felt as though I was going to faint.

“Alcohol,” I whispered to Connor. I poured it out on the road.

“Cara! What the heck?” he yelled at me.

“Hey, she was just trying to help you,” Connor said.

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