Chapter 2

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Sadly, as the wise say, all good things come to an end. That one light in the darkness was lunch, and now happy time had passed. I walked down the hallway towards my AP English class. I entered the classroom, and none of my friends were there. Oh no! My luck, of course Connor is looking right at me.

Oh wait! He was smart?


    I always thought he was a dumb jock. Well, I was proven wrong.

    I sat down a few rows over from him. The classroom was full of life that would disappear after today. Summer was still drifting in and out of our minds, soon to become a distant memory. The sound of people chattering about their summers that they dearly missed filled the air. Then someone tapped me on the back. It was Blake Winstead. Blake was also chased by all the high school girls. He had caramel hair and brown eyes. He played basketball and football, as did Connor.  In fact, our school, Winstead Academy, was named after Blake’s great grandfather, William Sturgis Winstead.  He had never spoken to me.

“Hey Cara,” he said.

He knew my name?

“Hey Blake,” I said. He did a weird smirk smile and then studied my face. I could see him examining every feature so intently it made me uncomfortable.

“You’re cool, Cara,” he said.

I blushed a little.

“Thanks, Blake,” I said.


Why are all these popular guys suddenly wanting to talk to me? Is this some kind of a dream or a sick nightmare? Someone pinch me.


    Our teacher walked in and went on a tangent about working hard in an honors environment. Teachers thought they were being proactive by talking and talking about their personal life and how hard they worked for the school.  Yada Yada Yada. When in reality, no one could care less what they had for breakfast this morning. I zoned out.          Soon, the bell rang, and it was welcomed by my ears.

    I walked out of class and went back to my locker.  The hallways were hosts to all types of people, and between classes these personality types were showcased. There were the druggies, the smart people, the athletics,  nerds, wannabes, Sky Holloway, and the populars.


Wait, why is Sky Holloway looking at me?


    Sky is about model height and size. Her long black hair follows behind her like a cape of evil. She storms the hallways with confidence, and her friends were just wannabes who desired to be close to her. Unlike Sky’s persona, I was never the type that stood out, and people thought I was invisible.

    When the final bell rang at the end of the day, I literally felt my spirit lift a little. I could finally go home and get away from everything. More importantly, why were all these popular guys suddenly taking interest in me? I couldn’t understand. I went over to my friends who were in a circle. We all started talking about everything.

“Well I think-” Annie stopped talking and looked me straight in the eyes.

I turned around to see Connor behind me.

“Hey,” he said.

My friends pretended to act cool, but they were all just staring at him, speechless.

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