Chapter 6

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Connor approached me at school the next day with a unique look on his face. He looked like he was trying to see what I was thinking.  He was studying my face and thinking to himself.  Happy, but confused looking.

“Connor,” I said.

He walked up to my locker.

“Hey Cara,” he said.

He leaned his head against the side of my locker door.

“What’s up?” I asked him.

He looked back at me with a smile on his face.

“Nothing,” he said, laughing.

“Connor! Don’t play this game with me,” I said, tugging at his collar.

“Don’t tell me how to play,” he said playfully.

“You’re coming to the game tonight, right?” he asked.

I had forgotten our first home football game was tonight.

“If you want me to come, sure,” I said.

“Why wouldn’t I want you there?” he asked.

I blushed again. I knew what he was hinting at. I guess Eli was right.

“Connor,” I looked into his eyes, and he just laughed again.

“Well, I’ll see your pretty face there tonight. Right?” he asked.

Once again, I blushed.

“Okay,” I said. He walked back over to Luke.


Blake’s Point of View


         As I watched Connor interact with Cara, I noticed he was so in love with her. Even though I liked her, I definitely couldn’t show it at all. Connor just playfully talked her over, and she responded by blushing. Like she always did. Luke and Connor walked down the hallway towards their next class, and that left Cara alone at her locker. I walked over towards her.

“Are you coming to the game tonight?” I asked her.

“Yeah, Connor begged me to go,” she said.


Stop saying his name.. Oh my gosh!  


“I’ll see you there,” I said.


Cara’s Point of View


         Game day here was crazy, and people always cheered so loud it hurt my ears. I sat down with Brooklyn and Bridget.

“Connor is quarterback, and it looks like Blake is right tackle tonight,” Brooklyn said.  

    I had never been to a high school football game, but things had changed when I met Connor Andrews. I was just learning how football really worked, too.

    After the game, Bridget and Brooklyn dragged me down to the field. I guess that’s what you do?  I have no clue. We had won the game, and everyone was extremely pumped up. I was talking with Luke as I heard  a voice behind me.

“Hey,” Connor put his hands on my shoulders.

“You looked good out there,” I said.

He smiled and stood by Luke. Connor was soon carried away by some of his team mates which left Luke and I alone.

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