Chapter 8

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    The best day of my life came when my mom told me the news.

“We’re moving out today, Cara!” she said.

My mom seemed overjoyed.

“Yay!” I said a bit too loud, and we both erupted into laughter.

As she was packing up, she started interrogating me about Connor.

“He was such a gentleman last night, Cara. He’s a good one,” she said.

“He is,” I said with a smile.

“Have you kissed?” She asked.


“Oh. When was this?” she smiled as she nudged my shoulder.

“Mom!” I said.

“Well, all that aside. Dad and I really like Connor, and we trust you, so there won’t be a problem with you dating him or anything,” she said.

“Mom!” I said.

I giggled at her bold and quirky ways.

    I walked back down the stairs to find Blake sitting on the couch. After shunning him for weeks and knowing we were leaving, I decided it was time to bite the bullet.

“So you’re moving out?” he said first.

“Yeah,” I said.

“Well, I’ll miss you around here,” he said.

I decided not to respond.

“Look, I’m sorry about what I did,” he said.

I knew he was lying.

“You’re lying,” I said.

“Well, you caught me. I’m not sorry at all,” he said.

    I rolled my eyes and went back to where my Mom was packing. She had all the boxes in her car, and since Dad was at work, we both drove over to our new house. It was in a new neighborhood called PineWood Estates. It was a larger and more expensive neighborhood, but nothing like Blake’s house. We pulled up to a brick home with a lovely courtyard. It was just perfect for our family.

“Wow,” I said.  I was so grateful to have a home.

“Well, there’s one more thing. Your Dad and I could tell you needed a way to get around, so we have something for you parked in the garage,” she said smiling.

I am pretty for sure it’s a car. I walked down the pathway, and sure enough it was a red GLK 350 Mercedes.

“Oh my gosh!” I said.

I had dreamed about having this car since I was twelve, and now I could call it my own.

“Thank you Mom!” I yelled as I hugged her neck as tightly as when I was four.

I texted my dad, too.

“Well, now you can hang out with your friends more,” she said.

I was thrilled to see the house. Oh happy day!

“Secretly, we have been getting furniture and the house is completely finished, so we can sleep here tonight. Your room is completely ready,” she said.

     We walked into the prettiest house I had ever seen. It had a cozy, warm atmosphere. After walking around, I ran up the stairs to see my room. I walked into my room and completely had a jaw drop moment. It was a white bed, and the wall was a shade of yellow. A bright lemon yellow, not some muddied yellow. The pillows were perfect, and the rest of the room fit in.

“Oooooh,” I said as I saw  the picture wall my Mom had made.



    The wall had pictures of Connor and I, my friends, and my family. She must have gotten my phone one night and gotten all these pictures.

“Well, do you like it?” my Mom asked as she came up behind me wrapping her arms around my waist.

“It’s beautiful. I can’t thank you enough,” I turned giving my Mom a hug.

    She shut the door as she left me to organize my closet and bathroom. I texted Connor to come over, and when I saw his black BMW park in the front, I was so excited.

“Connor!” I said, running out the door and into his arms.

“Wow.Wow.Wow. What has you so happy?” he asked.

I grabbed his hand and went into the garage.

“I actually have a car!” I said.

Connor went over to look at it.

“That’s so exciting. It’s beautiful,” he said as he ran his hand over the hood. “Sweet.”

“Now we can hangout more,” I said.

He nodded and flashed me that trademark worthy smile he had when he ran into me the first day.


Why must he be so irresistible?


He was also floored by my room.

“Look, it’s us!” he said.

He loved all the pictures.

“I know! My mom secretly made this for me,” I said.

“I’m guessing she knows about…” he said smiling.

“She may have forced me to tell her,” I smiled.

He laughed and looked into my eyes. After he helped me with organizing, we went downstairs where my mom and dad were talking. Dad was finally home.   I ran into his arms kissing and thanking him for everything.

“Hello Connor,” my dad said.

“Hi, Mr. Evans,” Connor said.

“Why don’t you stay for dinner, sweetie?” my mom said.

“Mom!” I said.

Connor simply laughed.

We all just laughed and laughed.

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