Chapter 8

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I quickly put on a jumper, which was on the floor, and head to Jc.

“George!” I hear my mom shout

“Get out and never come back! And Peyton I forbid you from ever seeing this boy ever again!” I dad shouts while pointing a finger at Jc. My mom is still trying to hold him down.

“Jc I love you. I’ll never leave you.” I whisper trying to help him up.

“I love you too. Remember me.” He says while my dad pushes him out if the room

My mom starts picking his clothes neatly and hands them to my dad. He just throws them at Jc.

As soon as they leave the room I run after him.

“Honey no!” I mom screams while holding me back.

Tears start streaming down my face. I try to fight her off.

“Jc!” I shout “I love you!” when he turns around I see tears on his face.

“I love you too!” he says shouting through the front door.

Why? Why? I suddenly tell the love of my life how I feel about him and he gets taken away from me? Why? As soon as I think this I break down into my mom’s arms. I cry uncontrollably ruining whatever designer shirt she is wearing.

“Honey…” he said coming closer to me to give me a hug

“No don’t touch me! DON’T EVER TOUCH ME AGAIN! I HATE YOU!” I shout. I run up to my room.

All I can think about is Jc. I can’t stop. I physically can’t stop crying. It hurts. It hurts to have your love taken away from you. Why do bad things happen to good people? Why? What if? What if I pray? I mean, there might be a God out there. I get down on my knees. And put my hands together like I’m clapping but without pulling my hand apart.

“Uh hi God… I don’t normally do this, but I’m desperate. I have a boy who loves me very, VERY much and I love him the same amount. And my father has gotten the wrong idea. We didn’t do anything. I swear. But now I’m not allowed to see him. And I can’t live without him. It is impossible, like to live without chocolate. Not that Jc is like chocolate… he is better. I’m asking for you to make my father see the light. Jc is a kind grateful amazing boy and I want to be with him. Please. Please. Please…”

“Oh honey...”

“How long have been there?” I ask irritated by her ‘I feel sorry for you’ face

“Long enough.” Why do people say that what did you see the whole thing or did you see the last bit and assumed what I was doing?

“He just doesn’t understand. We didn’t do anything. I swear on piggy 2.0s’ life.” I turn back to piggy 2.0 it is so special because it has been kissed by a lot of A list celebrities.

“Honey listen, your father is very angry. He told me to talk to you. Honestly I disagree with him, you’re 16 you should have a life. But your dad is the boss what he says sticks. All I can say is that if you are ever want to see Jc again just obey him. Do what he says and then he will trust you more. But in the meanwhile you’re grounded no contact with Jc. Not face to face. Not on the internet and you can’t text him. We are also taking your phone, laptop, I pad. Anything that you can contact him with. I really sorry honey but it is you father’s rules, no contact and you can’t leave the house without supervision.”

OhMiGod my parents want to kill me

“But what happens when you leave again?”

“Actually we’re not leaving for a while. We are filming in L.A so we don’t have to travel for a while.”

 OhMiGod my parents actually want to kill me

“I’m sorry honey but look on the bri---”

“Just leave.” She does so.

All I can think about is Jc.


hey my sexy readers how u doing

so i started school :( i'm too busy to write 

im sorry. so imma gonna upload every weekend 

2 chapters :0 :D ;)

so i dont normally do this but: Song for this chapter

paramore- still into you

so about the story.....

how is she gonna live without Jc?

what will her health be like?

she is seriously depressed.

does Jc still love her or is he going to back off?

Tune in next time to find

so biee my sexy readers! 

Peace out ma homies ☁ 

-Precious c:

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