Cam's Birthday

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Cams birthday was coming up and I had no clue what to get him. I knew Nash and Cam were close and I knew Nash liked to go all out for all the boys birthdays and get them really good gifts so I knew I had competition.
"Nash what are you getting Cam?"
"Why would I tell you? I wanna give him the better present. I'm his best friend."
"Ok sure your his best friend Nash. Because you totally grew up with him and know every single detail about him.I don't think you do. So tell me ok?"
"Let me think about that..." He made a thinking face "no".
I walked up to him punching him in the stomach walking away. "Be ready to tell me later. His birthday is in 10 days and I still have to go shopping for Kians and Gs birthdays. "
I walk away putting my music in. So I go downstairs plugging my iPod into the surround sound and crank my music all the way up.
I'll get my way.I always do. I said in my head.


~ Kaitlyn 💚💚

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