Dark Romance

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Hi, my name is Chloe. I'm a thirteen years old girl and I live in London. I'm in High School. My parents got divorce when I was ten years old. My life was normal and perfect untill one day...


" Wake up, your gonna be late for school!", my dad shout from the kitchen. I got out of bed and walked to my closet. I found a tight jeans and a white top with tiny cute flowers on, and put a west over it. I brushed my hair and put it in a high ponytail. I walked to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I found my make-up and put on black mascara and a bit eyeliner and some silver eyeshadow. I got out of the bathroom and into the kitchen. "God morning, Chleo.", my dad said and smiled. "Good morning dad.", I said. I grabbed an plate with the toast my dad made for me. I ate it and saw the clock was already 8.30. "Oh no! I missed the buss! Dad, can you please drive me to school?", I asked as I grabbed my schoolbag and put my books in it. "Okey, but this is the last time, since it's the 5. time you missed the buss.", dad said a bit angry. "Okey, it will not happen again.", I said before I got out the door and hopped in the car. Dad drived me to the school and said have a good day. And of course I was late again.


I walked down the hallway as fast as I could. But then I bumped into a boy I reconised. It was Justin, the new boy in the class. "Are you also late?", Justin said to me with a smirk on his lips. "Yeah, I forgot the time when I was in the bathroom.", I anweard him with a small smile. We walked into our classroom, which was 8D. "Chleo, Justin, your late. Can you explain?", our teacher, Mr Cullins asked. "Sorry, I just forgot the time, again.", I said. "And you, Justin?" " I just didn't care about getting up from bed.", Justin said and walked to his chair. And then the class begins. --- When my class is finish I walked to my bestfriends, Anette and Anna. They were my bestfriends since we was in 1. grade. "Hi, Chloe, wanna go to the mall after school with me and Anna?", Anette ask me, but already know the answear. "Can't, have to do my homework, and are going to dinner with my dad, Pia (my littlesister) and my dad's girlfriend.", I answerd. "Ok, what about next week?", Anna asks. I nodded my head and said bye. After I got out of the school, I didn't see Justin enywhere. That's wierd since I didn't see him walk out of the school. Anyway, I was on my way down too the buss, and I was alone. Maybe they walked home before I got out? I walked down the street to get down to were the buss picks me up, but didn't reach it. I felt someone wrapping it's arm around my waist and was about to scream, but then it all turned black.


I woke up in a dark place. It was a bit cold and scary. I was tied up in a chair. It looked like a cave under the ground. It had an opening hole on the top, so the light got in.

I screamed after help again and again, but it didn't help. Then a person comes out of the dark, and I reconized him. Justin. "What the hell do you want?! And why am I here?!", I shouted at him. "Shhhh. I don't wanna hurt you, perhaps your getting me mad.", Justin said calmed. "You kidnapped me! And why?", I said with tears filling my eyes. "I want you to know this things about me. I get what I want, you do what I want and I if you not give me what I want, someone will get hurt.", I heard Justin said as he looked deep inside my eyes. I was scared and terrified.

"And what do you want?", I asked scared of what the answer will be. "I want you to be mine. And know you are. I don't give a fuck of what you think, your mine.", Justin said while I was in shock. I didn't like the idea of being he's. I don't want to be a object that someone own's.

After a hour of talking, he finally let me out of the chair. He took my wrist and led me to a door and opened it. Inside it was a room that led up to some stairs. We walked up the stairs and got out of the cave and out to a wood."Were are we going?", I asked with a normal voice. "To a house, babe", Justin answerd. Wow, already calling me babe and everything. We walked a bit more and got to a nice little house. He dragged me inside and showing our room. "It's just one bed! And I can't sleep with you?!", I shouted. "Your gonna sleep in the same bed as me if you like it or not!", he spits back.


"Do you want something to eat, babe?", Justin asks. "I'm just hungry for going home. I have a dinner with my family in a few hours, when can I go?", I ask Justin and glares at him. "Ohhhh your family?? I'm your family now! And you will never see your home again!", Justin spits in my face.

I walked past him and out the door and starts running. I hear footsteps behind me as I know it is Justin. I keep up running and trying to find my way out of the wood.

I fell beacouse of a stone in the way. As I felt arms wrapping around me and lifts me up and throws me over his shoulder. "Put me down, now!", I shout as I'm punching him in his back. "Not untill you stop running away from your future man.", Justin says as I let the words fill my head.

"One day the police will find me and put you in a teenage jale!", I shout from his shoulder. I can't be here forever. I just can't. I don't even love him. But am I going to do it?

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