Chapter 20

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After Justin comforted me, I felt a bit better. I know I shouldn't forgive him that easy. I want to forgive him, but I still know that I can't do it. It's just too much. I mean like, I will still love him, but he needs to earn my forgiveness.

I finally finish reading 'The Fault In Our Stars'. I can't believe the end ended like that! I cried so many times through the book, so I'm pretty sure it's some dried tears at a few pages. Can't help it, but I'm still crying. 

At that moment I lay the book in the tray inside my nightstand, Justin walks in with two mugs in his hands. "Chloe? Why are you crying? I'm so so sorry for everything I said and did to you. I know most of it is my fault, I was just angry." He says and I scoot over the bed to give him some place to sit. He's right. Most of it was his fault, but I have to take the blame too. Why did I even fall in love with him? He kidnapped me, so it's not normal to fall in love and get a baby with with the kidnapper. Or maybe the last thing is a bit normal... I shouldn't have falled in love with him, but my heart wants what it wants.

"No, it's not that. I just finished reading the book." I say and open the drawer for him to see the book. He nods then looks back to me and wipes away my tears. This is the Justin I love. The caring one, who's gentle and so nice and cute. The side of Justin that doesn't seem to have anger issues, the one that loves me endlessly. 

"Here, but be careful. It's still hot. I found it in the cabinet, it's not old yet. But you still have to go to the grocery store tomorrow." He hands me one of the mugs with hot chocolate with marsmellows on top. I carefully blow at the chocolate to cool it down so I don't burn myself. I don't need to ask why only I have to go to the store to buy groceries, I know it's because of the police, and I don't want this side of him turn into anger right now.

"Okey. What do we need?" is all I ask for and takes a sip of the hot drink. "I'll write a note later. But mostly everything we need for the next years." Really? Years? We're gonna live her for years? I look down at my necklace that I got a while ago from him. I still belong to him, I guess I don't have a choice. Justin notices that I look at the necklace and he looks a bit sad when he afterwards look down to his hands.

"It's okey." I try to comfort him by taking his hands in mine and gently stroke them with my thumb. It's the least I can do for him. He's feeling so sorry, and I can see it clearly in his face. He must think that he's a horrible person. And he is. But I love this horrible person that has made my life a complete mess and my romance life into dark romance. 

I look over to the clock on the nightstand. It's just 1.36 pm. "I think I'll call Anette. I promise I won't tell her anything about this whole thing between us." I tell him and plant a kiss on his beautiful lips. I place the mug on the nightstand. He nods and I grab my phone that laid on my pillow. I go through my contacts and tap at Anettes phone number. I haven't talked to her at all the last four years. I don't even remember her voice.

The phone rings four times before she answers, and I immediately reconize her voice again when she talks. "Hello? Chloe?" she asks slowly and I smile to Justin smirking at me from the bed. He stands up and walks out of the bedroom to let me have some time with Anette. "Hi Anette! I've missed you so much! How are you?" I ask. "I'm great and I've missed you so much too! Omg are you okey? I've been so worried! Is that bastard in jail yet? Where are you?" she asks and I really have to come up with a quick lie about where I am.

"I'm okey, don't worry. It's been hard, but it's so much better now. And yes, they took him to jail. I don't really want to talk about that or him. I'm staying in Annas house with Anna, Pia and Marie. It's great to be here again. Even though I know I can't stay at home. They're like my second family now." I tell her. Not everything I said is true. Yes, I feel like they're my second family, but I miss my real one. I'm feeling so much better now, than I felt when I was in that creepy house in the woods. Being punished almost every day.

"That's wonderful to hear! I actually thought you were dead after everything. I heard what happend with your family.. I'm really sorry." She says, almost sounding like she regrets what she just mentioned. "It's hard... But it's okey." Is all I say untill she says something else. "But is Anna feeling better? She hasn't been answering her phone when I've tried to call." "Yeah, she's much better now. I understand. Her phone got destroyd in the accident, and she hasn't got a new one yet. But I got to go, okey?" I say. " That's great news, and sure, have a nice week btw, bye." She says before she ends the call.

I put my phone in the back of my jeans, bring my hot chocolate with me and head downstairs to meet Justin in our new, nice livingroom. "Did she ask too much questions?" is the first thing he asks when his eyes land on me. "Nah, a little but it's okey. She thouht I was dead and when I told her everything is okey she was so relieved." I say and pop down on the couch next to Justin. I take another sip of my hot chocolate and I get a chocolate mustache. He puts his arms around me as he kisses me on my lips, removing the chocolate.

" I love you. You know that right?" Justin tells me and I nod as I lean my head against his chest. I just don't know how much he loves me.

The rest of the day we watch television while eating a pizza we brough with us, untill we head off to bed and we cuddle up to eachother and his arms holds around my waist from the back as his hands softly lays on my stomack.

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