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Chapter 30

"You trust me, right?" I asked, not because I was unsure of something, but just because I loved to hear Will say things like that to me.

"Of course I trust you, Ray," Will assured me.

Will and I were laying on the floor of his living room, I was studying and he was rewriting his notes.

"Why?" he asked, sitting up to look at me.

I grabbed a pillow and hugged it, "I don't know. Tell me about your ex."

I had successfully turned the conversation away from myself and I really did want to know more about his ex.

"Well, she was nice, at first. Jess cared, or she made it seem like she cared. She cared up until James asked her out, then they both ditched me. Honestly, it's not the fact that she left me, I don't care that much. I didn't really like her anyway, but it's more the fact that she left me for James. I'm sure that they were both using each other for popularity and stability. It's just annoying. And it makes you wonder, did they plan it? Did they hate me? Is there something wrong with me?" Will explained, and his voice got softer with each question, and I could tell he was actually concerned about it. 

"You're better than both of them. Do you still have feelings for her?" I asked, my jaw clenching slightly.

I didn't know why I was getting so possessive over Will, I mean, he was with me, not Jess, but I wasn't sure that he was over her. I knew that I was overthinking, but that was one of my biggest flaws.

"No, she's not nice or anything. She and James changed, and not in a good way. But I don't care anymore, I'm over her. I don't even talk to her anymore. That night at the party was actually the first time I have had a conversation with her since she broke up with me," Will assured me.

I wasn't really sure why I cared so much, I guess there wasn't anything for me to be jealous of, but the sting was still there. I smiled and planted a small kiss on Will's forehead.

"I should get going," I said and gathered all of my school stuff.

"Yeah, I'll see you later," Will said and I nodded, giving him a quick kiss.

I drove home, watching the sun set, creating colorful streaks of blue and purple.

When I got home, I heated up some leftovers from last night and ate, assuming that I was home alone.

"Hey, what's up?" Brandon asked as he walked into the kitchen.

"Nothing, just getting a head start studying for finals," I said as I turned the page of notes I was reading. "Are you going out?"

"No, don't feel like going anywhere today," Brandon said in a defeated voice.

"You okay?" I asked, looking up from my textbook to study Brandon's face. There was something going on with him. 

"I'm getting by. How about you?"

"I guess I'll be okay," I said.

"Trust your friends. Whichever one you're worrying about, don't be. They're all good people and things will solve themselves," Brandon suggested.

"When did my baby brother get so wise?" I teased, cleaning up the dinner table.

"I've always been wise. You're just too dumb to see it," Brandon replied with a smirk. 

I laughed and started to wash the dishes.

"If you aren't eating, you can dry the dishes," I said.

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