Chapter 1

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Sonic grinned devilishly as he walked into High School. Immediately being showered in the offers and requests of a few young girls.

"Sonic! I made you brownies!" One girl smiled and showed him the brownies. "They look lovely, I'm sure I'll enjoy them." He smiled and took the box, leaving the girl to struggle while catching her breath.

Sonic continued to strut through the halls to his first period class. Which was his favorite class of all time, he grinned just thinking about it.

That class was like heaven, it was his favorite room in the entire school. Of course, it wasn't the actual class that he loved. He absolutely hated the subject, the teacher, and most of the class. No, it definitely wasn't the class at all, it was the girls in it.

Sonic hummed as he walked into the class and threw his bag in the chair next to him. "Today is going to be great." He thought happily, placing his feet on the desk and leaning back in his chair.

As the clock ticked on, more and more people started showing up. Sonic was relaxing as he felt a flick on his forehead. He groaned and opened one eye to see a pair of aggravated jade green eyes above him.

"Can you please move your stuff out of my chair?" The owner of the eyes, which was a female, asked hotly. Sonic smirked and grabbed his bookbag. "Of course, your highness," he teased. The girl rolled her eyes and sat down, grabbing a book out of her bag and eagerly began reading.

The bell finally rang a few moments later. The teacher walked in and did his normal everyday tradition of signing into his computer, telling the class to have a good day, blah, blah, blah.

"We also have a new student today. She's skipped a grade, and this is bound to be very hard. So, please treat her well, would you like to introduce yourself?"

The girl beside Sonic stood up and smiled. "My name is Amy Rose. I look forward to meeting your acquaintance." She gave a slight bow to her classmates then sat down. Sonic looked her up and down, trying to get to know his newest fangirl; in his own way. He admitted to himself she was quite a sight.

Sonic and his classmates began to get their notes and books out. They all flipped to an assigned page and waited for further instructions. Sonic noticed out of the corner of his eye that Amy has immediately begun working on the page. "Typical nerd, she won't last a day!"

Sonic tapped his foot as class finally begun and continued for many minutes. "Excuse me-" Sonic turned his head to Amy. "What do you want?" He winked, his signature move. It would send any girl in a squealing frenzy, but he was surprised when Amy did this instead.

"Can you please stop tapping your foot? It's distracting me."

Sonic scoffed and crossed his legs. You know, after repairing his ego. "Fine, princess." He smirked, another one of his signature moves. Amy rolled her eyes and looked back to the board.

After class was finished, Sonic was the first to make a dash for the hallway. He was right at the door when he bumped into Amy. "Oops, sorry princess." He laughed, standing himself up from the ground. "Stop calling me 'princess.' My name's Amy." She said and tried to help him up. "But... Uh... thank you for saying sorry. I didn't think you knew manners."

"OH, BURN!" Came a random outburst from the back of the classroom. This followed a loud laughter from the class.

Sonic dusted himself off, blushing and laughing along with the class nervously. "Yeah, well, my mom taught me well." He smiled as the bell rang. "After you, princess."

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