Chapter 2

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Sonic crossed his arms and put his head down on the table. Third lunch was finally here. Even though he had figured out why Amy was acting like this, he couldn't help shake a strange feeling he had.

"Yo!" He heard Knuckles' voice ring out in the cafeteria. Sonic lifted his head and waved at his friend. Knuckles was walking with their other friend, Tails, who already had his lunch. They sat down and immediately knew something was wrong.

"What's wrong with you?" Knuckles asked him. "You look defeated." Tails mentioned. "I don't know... You know that new girl? Amy?" Sonic asked, trying to explain his situation. Tails and Knuckles both raised an eyebrow and nodded.

"She blew me off, like she didn't like me or something. It's a little troubling."

He looked up at his friends for some type of words of wisdom. However, he instead saw that they both had devious smirks.

"You don't think he's-"

"No! He can't actually be-"

"God dammit, what are you guys talking about?" Sonic shouted out angrily.

"Language!" Came a yell from a teacher who was in the cafeteria. Sonic and his friends rolled their eyes and continued their conversation.

Tails and Knuckles smiled at each other. "You're in love!" Knuckles burst out laughing at him. "Sonic T. Hedgehog is in love!" A few people turned their hands to stare at them.

Sonic panicked immediately. "Will you two shut up?" Sonic whisper yelled at them. "I don't even know what love is." He crossed his arms defensively.

"I think love is like when you can't stop thinking about her." Tails said, almost as if he had been thinking about this before. "But, I don't really know." He added, scratching his neck.

"Yeah, sure." Knuckles said, dismissing his answer. "Love is when you like- you know- mommies and daddies- gettin' it on?"

Tails shook his head in disappointment, as did Sonic. "No, that's sex, Knux. Love and sex are two different things." Tails retorted and began to eat his lunch.

"Love and sex go hand and hand, though." Knuckles argued with Tails. "Well, he's technically right on that one." Sonic agreed, Tails simply shrugged. "It's true, but they are still different, and you don't have to have sex even if you're in love."

"Not at first." Knuckles added as he took a bite out of his food. "But don't worry too much about her, Sonic. She'll melt like pudding in your hands. Just give her some time." Sonic was still unconvinced, but it was the only answer his friends had that made some sense to him.

"But that doesn't help what I think I'm feeling. Her not liking me is troubling, but..."

"Maybe you just like her body?" Tails mentioned to him. "You might be just attracted to her body and confusing it with feelings." Sonic was obviously confused at this remark. Tails sighed and got ready to explain. "She's given you no reason to like her attitude or personality. Name three things about her that's attractive, other than her body."

Sonic remained quiet, even though he could've said three things. "Smart," as seen in his classes. "Friendly," because she's made two friends on her first day. "Loyal" she followed the sacred rule, breaties before testies. At least two of those things actually made him feel something.

Eventually Sonic and his friends changed the subject. Talking about feelings was "girly" and "exposed weakness", so said Knuckles.

"So my history teacher is like- literally crazy. She actually thinks I'm going to write two paragraphs about-"

Sonic zoned out of Knuckles' antics. He was experiencing these feelings for the first time, and he feared what he was feeling was actually love.

Love only caused pain.

•Elective, Art Class•
"I'm not in love. Sonic T. Hedgehog doesn't fall in love." He repeated to himself. "She just has a nice body is all. That's all it is." He told himself, making it clear to himself that he was not in love. "Knuckles and Tails just don't know what they're saying."

Sonic tried to push Amy and the conversation at lunch out of his mind. Tails' words kept echoing through his mind, however. "I think love is like when you can't stop thinking about her." His explanation was much more intellectual than what Knuckles' had been.

"I'm just thinking about her body. Nothing else. I'm not in love." He declared over and over again.

"Sonic!" The teacher yelled angrily. "Get to work drawing your guardian angel." Sonic smiled and nodded, but when she turned away, he stuck his tongue out. This caused some reaction from the class.

Sonic, nonetheless, began working on his project. It was boring, and took him the entire class to finish it. He gave it to the teacher, who narrowed her eyes at him. "Sonic, come back here." She said gently. Sonic groaned, but turned back around. "Yes ma'am?"

"What is this?" She asked and pulled out a picture from her desk. It was old, and sort of comically drawn. "An old doodle of mine." Sonic responded. "Yes, what were you doing when you drew this? What were you thinking?"

"I was obviously drawing the doodle and I was thinking about how annoying my teacher was."

The art teacher didn't find this humorous. "I'm going to give you a warning. Start doing your work appropriately and stay on task." Sonic nodded and left the class after that remark.

On his way out, Sonic noticed Amy going to the stairwell and followed her. "I'm not a stalker, I'm not a stalker." He repeated to himself. "I'm just making sure she's safe."

As in almost all high schools, the stairwell was a dangerous place. It's where people made-out, got bullied, and even beaten. Sonic noticed Amy sit down on the stairs and as she did, a shadow from above cast over her.

"Hey, Amy." Said a deep voice. Sonic's fur stood on end and he couldn't help feel threatened by simply hearing the voice.

Hiya! So that was chapter two! How'd it look? Is it at all typical? I'd love some feedback!

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