Chapter 8

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•Weekend, Saturday•

Their first date was actually happening! Sonic was trying to act as 'chill' as possible. He wasn't the nervous type, he needed to straighten himself up. "Be brave, be chill, be brave, be chill..." Sonic repeated in his head for the first five minutes before he was to pick up Amy.

Sonic was going to borrow his father's car, but sadly his father refused. Now, Sonic had to use his mother's car, which was just barely acceptable. Her car was white, but had mud stained into the paint. On the hood of the car was a massive dent where she had accidentally ran over a bicycle left in the street.

Of course, this was one of the main reasons Sonic was stressed out. What if Amy thought less of him if he picked her up in something this... gross. He tried to think positively as he got into the car. He took one big breath of air then turned the key.

He drove to Amy's house, which wasn't that far, he could've walked, but that would ruin the magic. Sonic got out of the car and puffed out his chest, so he's look more confident. He strolled up to the door and knocked. Sonic waited patiently for about 15 seconds before knocking again.

This time, he heard footsteps from behind the door. "Coming!" He heard Amy shout. He started to worry when another few seconds passed and Amy wasn't out yet.

Right before he was about to knock again, the door opened. Sonic was awestruck, he had never seen Amy out of her school clothes. She looked more gorgeous than ever. She was in a blue v-cut top with tight gray skinny jeans and black converse. She had her quills pulled back in a low ponytail, which looked amazing.

Imagines of them kissing flew into Sonic's mind. It was extremely hard to focus on speaking when he only saw his lips on hers. His eyes traveled, it was like they had a mind of their own.

"Sonic?" Amy said, waving her hands in his face. "Oh, right! Uh... come on, that's my car." He walked Amy to the passenger seat and opened the door for her. "After you," he said with a hint of mischief in his voice.

As Sonic closed the door, he got an idea. Sonic wanted to be cool, and impress Amy. She just looked like she had tried so hard.

Sonic took a few steps back and took a short sprint towards the hood of the car. He put his hand on the hood of the car and threw himself over, sliding across the hood.

Sadly, he forgot about the dent in the hood and he slide off the hood, right in front of the left front wheel. He landed with a thud on his butt.

He heard Amy hop out of the car, "Sonic? Are you okay?"

"Yeah! I'm fine!" Sonic said, jumping up quickly, trying to act nonchalant. "Let's go, shall we?" Sonic smiled and he drove them to lunch.

Sonic and Amy quickly ordered their food and drinks as soon as they arrived.

Amy giggled at him, "Sonic, you seem rather anxious."

"I'm just thinking about the- uh... delicious food that's on its way." He answered with a smile. "By the way, you look gorgeous." He said genuinely, his eyes switching from nervous to soft.

"Oh, thank you, you look quite handsome yourself." Amy smiled, giving Sonic a wink.

That small amount of attention made Sonic's ego grow ten sizes. However, he soon realized that Amy was consciously throwing herself out of her comfort zone for him.

"So, we're seeing a movie, right?" Amy asked, changing the subject. "Yeah, I was thinking I'd let you pick out a movie and then-"

"No, I think you should pick out the movie. We're using your money, so it only seems fair."

"But I would really like it if you picked out the movie for us to see."

"No, no, no, it's okay, you pick the movie."

"I insist that you pick the movie."

" about you pick three movies and I'll choose out of those three?" Amy offered, foreseeing that the argument would last forever.

Sonic hesitated, but ended up agreeing with her. "So, how was your morning?" He asked her, wanting to avoid any awkward pauses.

"It was good. I woke up a bit late, but I think I turned out okay." She said with a confident smile. Sonic nodded, agreeing completely with her. Their food arrived at that moment and they began to eat and drink.

"Do you think you'll want popcorn when we go to the movies?" Sonic asked Amy as he swallowed his food. "Probably, is that a problem? I don't really need it, I could stand to loose a few calories." She laughed.

"Amy, you look gorgeous." Sonic told her, he reached across the table and placed his hand on hers. "You're perfect, and I promise I mean that," he said. "Scoots honor," he winked at her. Amy blushed, at first she tried to hold it back, but eventually her face went red.

"Did you even go to boy scoots?" Amy asked him, laughing nervously. "Just for about... uh... two or three weeks. I then figured it was too boring and only wimps did it." Amy shook her head, not expecting that answer. "Wow, you lasted that long? I did girl scoots for two days then got bored and got out of there as soon as possible."

"Really? I guess we have more in common than I thought." Sonic retorted, now finished with his food.

"Are you ready to leave, Amy?" Sonic asked her. "I'm ready if you are." She responded and wiped her mouth on the napkin. Sonic and Amy walked up to the cashier and Sonic paid. "Ready for a movie?" Sonic smiled, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. "As I'll ever be."


Next chapter will be up soon.

I'm so so so so so so tired.


How was your day? Good and/or acceptable I hope.


One chapter left, once I finish that chapter a new story will be coming out on my account. Give it a lookie!

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