Chapter 3

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Sonic strained his ears to hear their conversation. "What's happening here?! Are they dating or something?" Sonic thought to himself.

"How's the first day of school?" Shadow asked Amy. "It's going well, made a few friends, and I'll probably end up making another."

"Who are your friends? Are they nerds like you?" Shadow laughed and ruffled up her hair. Amy laughed back and rolled her eyes. "Blaze and Cream, then there's this guy named Sonic who-"

"Sonic? You know he's a womanizer, right? Don't trust him too much, okay?"

"Why not?" Amy asked, changing her tone to defensive. "He uses woman and he's just a jerk to everybody except his close friends." Shadow told her. "You're the same, except you're not a womanizer."

"At least I don't intentionally hurt girls feelings on the daily."

"What's that supposed to mean?!" Sonic growled at Shadow. "What?" Shadow growled back, immediately recognizing the voice. "Sonic! You heard all that?" Amy said, fear and some regret in her voice. "Who cares if he heard it or not, he's a total d*ck and deserves to know."

"Say that to my face!" Sonic shouted at him.

Amy put herself between the two. "What's wrong with you two? Don't you know you're not supposed to fight?" Amy yelled at them both. "Shadow, go back to class, you'll be late." Shadow narrowed his eyes and shoved past Sonic.

"Do you know who that guy is? He's-"

"A good guy." Amy interrupted him with a stern tone. "I've known Shadow for three years of my life, and he's a good person."

Sonic crossed his arms at Amy. "I know what you're thinking, Sonic. Yes, I know he beat that kid up and sent him to the hospital last year, but do you know why?" Sonic shook his head, rumors spread through high school like wild flowers and the truth often got twisted. "That boy, Scrouge had been making fun of younger kids, stealing money, beating them up, he even made fun of a cancer patient! I'd say Shadow was doing the right thing."

Sonic shrugged, not particularly caring. "Sorry if I ruined your little meet-up. I was worried about you in this stairwell. It's where a lot of bullying and other things happen."

Amy rolled her eyes and smiled, Sonic saw this and for a second, all he could do was stare. It was a genuine smile. He liked seeing her smile.

"Thanks for worrying, but I promise I'll be fine. Now get to class before you're late." With that said, Amy pushed her way through Sonic and out the doors to the hallway.

Sonic turned and watched as Amy walked away. He couldn't help it any longer. She was from a totally different world. She was gorgeous, but in a nerdy way. Her hips, her quills, her lips, her legs, he was definitely attracted to her body. "If I'm just attracted to her body, should I even try to date her?" With that thought in his mind, he dusted himself off, and headed off to his last class.

•Last Class of the Day, Spanish 2•

"Hola, Señor Hedgehog." Sonic's teacher greeted him. "¿Como estás?" She asked politely. "Uh... así así." Sonic answered with a shrug. "¡Oh! ¿Que está mal?" Sonic only gave a side smile and shrugged. "Mucho," was his only answer.

Tails walked in after their conversation was over. "Hey Sonic" he said, waving to his best friend. "You look rather... putout." He noted, taking a seat beside Sonic. "Nah, man, I'm chill." Sonic smiled, kicking his feet up on his desk.

"Oh, Sonic!" Came a high pitch sing-song voice. Sonic looked behind Tails to see Mina the Mongoose walking in. "I heard you and Shadow got in an awful fight, so I just wanted to check on you."

"Fight?" Tails said, surprised by this. He turned to Sonic to look him in the eye. "Fight? You got in a fight?" He asked him. Sonic shook his head. "First off, it wasn't a fight, Mina." He said sternly, but softly. "We we're having an argument and Amy got between us." He told them.

"Amy? The girl you li-" Sonic covered Tails mouth. "Yes, Amy the girl I like... as a buddy." He added with a smile towards Mina. "She's new here and I'm a new friend of hers."

Mina bought the excuse, but smiled at him. "Sonic, everyone knows that you don't just befriend girls unless you want something." She said to him flirtatiously. "Well, I swear I'm just her friend. She's a total nerd and she just needs someone to show her the ropes." Sonic answered her.

The bell rang, and their conversation was put to a hold.

La clase de español empezó.
(The Spanish class began.)

•Leaving School•

"See ya, Tails, thanks for the advice." Sonic waved goodbye and headed off to his bus. As he was walking through the door he saw some familiar pink quills a few feet ahead of him.

Sonic ran to catch up with Amy and Blaze. "Amy! Wait! Can we please talk?" He called out to her. Sonic saw her slow down as she waited for him to get closer. "Wait for me here, please." Amy asked her friends. Blaze nodded, "of course, don't take too long."

"Amy... I wanted to tell you something. I thought about what you've said. About chances and changing, and I know I've only known you for a day, but you're really interesting. I'm not asking for a relationship, just a date."

Amy looked sadly at Sonic and shook her head. "No, I'm really sorry, I just..." Amy let out a sigh. "You're cute, alright, I'll admit it. The thing is though, I can't trust you, and your personality is just plain cocky and bratty. Learn some humility."

"What happened to chances?!" Sonic shouted. "This is different, you could take me out on a date and then all of a sudden there's this rumor and-"

"Whatever, just go home then." Sonic growled at her. Amy looked sad at first, but then narrowed her eyes. "Fine, who cares, see you in class."

Sonic watched as Amy turned around and left. Blaze wrapped her arms around her. Blaze gave Sonic a dirty look before continuing to help Amy. He didn't know what was happening inside his chest. He had never been denied before. This was unexpected and he felt hurt. He felt hurt and mad and sad all at the same time.

"What am I going to do now?"

Alright! Chapter 3 is done! What did you guys think? But don't feel bad for Sonic yet, there's more pain to come. Muahaha!

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