Chapter 9

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•Weekend, Saturday•

Sonic and Amy arrived at the movies. Sonic had to pick three movies fast before any of them started. "Okay, I picked out a chic flic, action-comedy, and sci-fi. The first is called 'The Gap Between You and I', the second is called 'Central Smartness', and the third is called 'Protectors of the Vast Space.'" Amy seemed interested in all of the choices. "Uhm... Central Smartness seems funny. Is that one okay?" Amy asked him.

Sonic smiled nodded, secretly glad she had picked that instead of 'The Gap Between You and I.'

Sonic and Amy hurriedly made their way to the snack center. Sonic made jokes every now and then, making sure Amy laughed. "Okay, okay, here's another joke. What did the dog say after he ate something gross?"



It was a pun. It was a simple pun. But it was a pun with gusto. It was a pun filled with so much cringe that it was funny. So, of course, Amy laughed hysterically. Sonic was surprised that Amy had actually laughed.

Sonic realized that they were now in front of the line. "Oh, Popcorn and some bottled waters, please." Sonic told the cashier. "Are you sure that'll be all?"

"Yup, thank you."

"I'll go get some butter of this naked popcorn." Sonic said, trying to be funny, but it didn't work as well as he had hoped. "Oh... ok then." Amy gave a very fake and forced laughed. "I'll go get us a seat. Do you want one in the back?"

Sonic smiled, trying his best to play it cool. "Of course, the back is where it's at!"

(This could be taken two ways out of context).

About half way through the movie, Sonic was reaching for some popcorn. He felt his hand land on Amy's hand. He stiffened, but left his hand on top of hers. He didn't know what to do at this point. Was this an awkward situation or was it not? He made a quick glance to see what Amy's reaction was.

She was completely calm, or at least seemed like she was. It was terribly dark and he couldn't see her very well. However, she wasn't removing her hand so he didn't remove his.

The awkward part of this was that for the rest of the movie their hands were in the popcorn bowl. They however still enjoyed the movie and laughed their butts off till the very end of the movie.

"Hey Amy, is it okay if I say 'I love you?'" Sonic asked her. Amy nodded, giving a short laugh through her nose.

"I love you, too, by the way. You're way different than what I first thought you were. You're pretty amazing."

Sonic grinned, feeling his ego grow ten fold. "I told you before, didn't I?" He smirked, pulling her closer to him. Amy was a little uncomfortable, but giggled at his remark. "Thanks for the movie." She smiled at him, and rested her head underneath his own. They made their way to Sonic's car. It took only a few minutes for Amy to nod off in the passengers seat.

Sonic couldn't believe how far he's come in only three days. He used to hate the idea of love, but now he could only think about Amy. He couldn't wait for their future adventures.

"Does this mean I truly love her?" Sonic hoped so, or else he was just some sick twisted boy. The only way to know if he loved her was to continue dating her until he stopped. That was his best idea anyways. However, Sonic felt like he truly did love her. "I'm sure I do love her. I'm positive if it."

Sonic was taken out of his thoughts by Amy shifting her weight against him. Sonic smiled and kissed the top of her head. He parked the car in her driveway and put his hand on her shoulder to wake her.

"Amy, wake up, you're home." Sonic whispered in her ear. Amy squeezed her eyes closed before she slowly fluttered her eyes open. "Oh-" she yawned and stretched her arms up, "Thanks, Sonic." She smiled, now getting out of the car. "Sorry I fell asleep on you."

"It wasn't a problem, as long as you had a good time." Sonic got out of the car and ran to Amy's door. He opened it and gave a bow. "My princess~" he teased, giving her a wink. Amy rolled her eyes at him. "Thank you so much, my dearest knight."

Sonic slipped his arm around her waist as they walked to Amy's door. "I had a wonderful afternoon with you." Sonic said, now holding both her hands. "At first glance, I thought you were a typical nerd, but I noticed things about you in the last few days. You're funny, smart, witty, bit of a smart-ass, loyal, and you're so beautiful."

He looked at her in silence for a second. She looked confused, but she soon smiled when she realized what was happening. "So, Amy Rose, will you accompany me throughout my life? I'm only going to date if you promise to see our relationship as something that can grow. Can you see us growing old together?" Sonic asked her.

Amy grinned, holding back a few giggles. "Of course, look how far we've come already!" Amy hugged Sonic tightly, giving Sonic another personality trait to add.

"She's a death-hugger."

Sonic knew that would take some time getting used to, but he was happy right now.

Amy dropped Sonic to the ground and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Goodnight, Sonic. We should totally do this again sometime." Sonic nodded, "it'll be every Saturday from now on, Scout's promise."

Amy blew Sonic a kiss and walked into her house, closing the door shut. Sonic went back to his own house, thinking about how another door had just opened.


So, I sorta liked this story, but sorta didn't either. I think I did pretty good in the beginning chapters but as I progressed I feel like I ruined Sonic by making him way too OOC.

What do you guys think?

Hope you all enjoyed!

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