Chapter 6

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Sonic pushed past the regular girls that waited for him at the entrance doors. "Sorry, sorry girls, I'm not really- I don't have enough time." He ran to his locker and grabbed his things, then made a b-line for his first period class.

Sonic waited outside the classroom door for Amy. He already had his things inside the class. On the outside, Sonic was as calm as waves in the morning. On the inside he was... having a hard time.

"What should I do? Why isn't this easy anymore?"

Sonic tapped his foot impatiently. He was nervous, for the first time in a long time, Sonic was nervous. He was immensely fidgety as he waited. He tapped his hands against the wall, he made circles with his thumbs, he felt so small and weak. He hated this, but he had to know if he truly loved Amy. She could be just a crush after all.

Sonic saw Amy coming towards the class, he casually walked over to her. "Need any help carrying your bags?" He smiled at her. Amy gave him a surprised look. "Sure," she finally answered him.

Sonic took her bags, which were surprisingly heavy. However, he didn't let Amy know the difficulty he was having. He placed her things next to her desk. "You wanna go anywhere this morning? Cafeteria, library, just walk the halls?"

Amy shrugged at him. "Anything you want to do." Was her only answer. "We can't do what I want to do." Sonic told himself and scratched his neck. "Uh...let's go to the library. It's pretty vacant in the mornings so we won't get disturbed."

Amy agreed and they were off to the library. They stayed in there and chatted for the entire TA period. Sonic lead the way back to class, holding her hand through the big crowds of students rushing to get to class. He blocked Amy from all the pushing and shoving and they soon reached their class.


Unlike the other day, Sonic intentionally looked at Amy. What made him happy was that she looked at him too. He swear he saw a blush on her face, but it was gone in an instant.

They checked their homework together when the teacher called for groups. Sonic missed nearly everything, but Amy helped him try to understand. "I still don't understand math, but I understand one thing." Sonic smiled at her. Amy leaned back, unsure of what he was going to say. "What?" She asked suspiciously. "I understand that you're an amazing girl."

Amy couldn't help but laugh a little bit. "Too cheesy?" Sonic said, now embarrassed. "It's like you had American cheese and string cheese and topped it with Parmesan." Amy admitted, "but don't worry too much. It was a nice compliment." There was a short pause, "you're proving to be amazing too." Amy told Sonic, making his heart leap out of his chest.


Sonic told Knuckles everything in the locker room. Knuckles was skeptical at first, "I thought she hated you?" He said as he pulled on his pants. "She didn't hate me... she just didn't really know me." Sonic explained to Knuckles. "So we're getting to know each other now." He added while he snuck out some cologne.

(Cologne and perfumes aren't allowed in locker rooms).

As soon as the teacher told them to leave, Sonic and Knuckles were off. "Bet I could beat you to the end of the gym." Sonic nudged Knuckles, trying to invoke his wrath. "Nah way, man. I'm not getting in another race with you. Last time you made me feel like an inch worm compared to a cheetah."

Knuckles turned his head to see that Sonic stopped paying attention. Instead, Sonic was waving to Amy from across the gym. Knuckles raised an eyebrow and shook his head at his friend.

"I never actually thought cooties were real, but I'll be damned if you don't have them." He placed a hand on Sonic's shoulder.

"What? Cooties? This isn't kindergarten, Knux."

"Yeah, yeah, but changing so suddenly, isn't that weird? Isn't it sorta bad (writing) for your mental health or something?"

"You're crazy, and I haven't changed at all."

"What about the 'fanclub?'" Knuckles asked him. "I'll tell Mina in Spanish that they are making me uncomfortable and I don't appreciate them anymore. She's a nice girl and will understand."

"Whatever, man. You do what you think you should."

By now, Sonic and Knuckles had made to behind Amy and he friends. They were just a few steps from overlapping them.

Sonic lingered behind them. He waited a few seconds before running up behind Amy and yelling "boo!"

"Oh my gosh!" Amy said, placing a hand over her heart. "You scared me!" She shoved him playfully while laughing. "Really?" Sonic asked, not believing he actually scared her. "Yeah, totally- not." Amy joked, causing Blaze and Cream to join in her laughter.

(Is this how flirting works 🤔)?

Sonic blushed, embarrassed yet again. He didn't quite like this feeling. Amy turned and saw his expression, she regretted her joke almost immediately. "Sonic?" She asked him. "Are you okay? I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings. I forgot that you're not used to humility." She laughed and placed an arm around him.

Sonic smiled and shook his head. "It's okay, I should get used to be made fun of. It's an honor if the princess makes fun of me." He grinned slyly back at her.


"What?" Sonic said to Tails. "You believe this fool, too?"

Sonic couldn't believe his friends. "How can they not understand this? It's not even a big change!" Sonic convinced himself.

"What do you mean 'I'm different?'" Sonic narrowed his eyes at his friends. "Is there something wrong with trying in a relationship?"

"No! That's not what we are saying at all." Tails told him. "It's just that you seem so much more... I don't know, keen to achieve Amy's approval."

"That's how dating works, it's a constant battle to make each other happy." Sonic explained to Tails. "I don't think that's how it works, Sonic. Dating is-" Tails was stumped by this topic. "Hmm? What was that? That was the sound of you being wrONG!" Sonic yelled and laughed at his friend. "No! I wasn't wrong! Love is confusing and it's different for everybody."

Sonic rolled his eyes. "Isn't that a cliché answer." He mumbled. "It's almost like the writer didn't know what else to say."

"Anyways-" Knuckles interrupted them. "-Did you guys hear about how the football team is going to the nationals?"

Sonic and Tails abandoned their other conversation. The rest of lunch was filled with screaming and talk of football.



So yea, not much to say here.

So uhm...

How was all of yo's day's? Fun? Sad? Scary? Anxiety filled? Adventurous? Lovely? Boring?

Mine was purrrr-fect. I stayed home and watched YouTube, had almost no social interaction with anyone face-to-face. Being an introvert is a life of luxury and relaxation. No worries but my own. Heheh...

*has 19 million worries*

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